Almost late

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The next morning, when I woke up, I went downstairs to the kitchen. Mom was making breakfast, dad was drinking his morning coffee, while Mat was playing on his phone.

"Good morning everyone!" I said as I walked in and sat on the table next to Mateo.

"Good morning! Are you hungry?" mom said.

"Yeah I can eat."

"Help me to set the table!" she said.

"Okay." I said as I stood up to take the plates and forks. Then I sat again next to Mat. Mom put on some pancakes, jam and milk.

"How did you sleep Vanja?" Mat asked me, I can say sarcastically.

"Good, why?"

"You aren't tired?"

"No, why are you asking me this?"

"Oh, maybe because you fall asleep late, you were busy." he said smirking. I gave him the look.

"When did you fell asleep Vanja?" mom asked me as she took a bite.

"I don't know. I ate and then went to sleep, but I can't remember when."

"I don't think so. I heard that you were talking to someone." Mat said.

"Next time don't turn up the TV so much." mom said and Mat laughed.

"It wasn't the TV, she was..." Mat wanted to say, but I kicked him under the table.

"I was watching movie on my computer." I said, trying not to laugh on Mat's face.

"Whatever Mat. But please go to bed earlier. You can't go to sleep in the middle of the night and woke up at 11am." mom said.

"It's 11am?!"

"It's 10am."

"10 and 11 are not the same." Mat said.

"Shut up and eat!" mom said.


I was in my room, cleaning it, while listening to music on my headphones. Suddenly, someone appeared behind me.


"Can you stop singing?! My ears hurt."

"Did you really came here to tell me that I don't know how to sing?!"

"Because you don't!"

"I know how to sing Mateo, you are just jealous!"

"Of you?! Only when mom buys you expencive things you don't need."

"I need those things! I'm a girl."

"I know and that's why is so difficult to talk to you."

"Okay, if you have something smart to say then say it. Otherwise, get out!"

"Goodbye then!" he said as he walked out.

"That's what I thought." I said as I put my headphones back on my ears.

I made a little break and lay on my bed. I closed my eyes just for a second and fell asleep.


My phone woke me up. It kept ringing on and on.

"Who the fuck keep calling me?!" I said as I took my phone. I answered.

"Hello?" I said.



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