Gavi's perspective 2

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When the game finished, I wanted to see Vanja, so I sent her message to come in front of the lockers room. I came to her from behind, because I wanted to surprise her.

She looked so beautiful. Her eyes lit up when she saw me and smile appeared on her face. That made my heart beating faster and I got butterflies. I have never felt something like this to some girl. I feel different when I'm with her.

We talked for a while, then she had to go home. Pedri drove me home and I had to ask him.

"So... You like her?"

"I think I do."

"I think she likes you too."

"Maybe. But we just met. We should stay friends for a while to get to know each other you know."

"I get you."

"What about you?"

"Nothing yet. As you said, we should be friends first."

"But you two know each other for a week now."

"Pedri that's not enough."

"Pablo you are not me and Maddie."


"Vanja and you have that conection."


"No no, don't deny it! You know that I'm right!"

"Okay fine! You are maybe right, but I can't ask her out just like that."

"You can if you want to."

"Pedri we have known each other for a week, it would be weird. I don't wanna to pressure her."

"If she likes you, she will go out with you no matter how long you have known each other."

"I don't think she likes..."

"Gavi! Every girl on this planet wants you! Don't you understand that you are the most wanted boy on the earth?!"

"I know that. But maybe she is not like other girls."

"Never mind. Do you want to hang out tomorrow?"

"Sure, but this time at my house!"

"I'm fine with that. Maybe I'll hang out with Maddie before that."

"You are madly in love."

"I am man, I am." he said and smiled like an idiot.

"Don't smile like that!"

"You look like this when you think about Vanja."

"Yeah right! I don't smile like an idiot."

"But you look lost, sooo..."

"Whatever! See you tomorrow at 7pm."

"Okay! See you!"


That night I could only think about Vanja. Her smile, her laugh, her eyes. She was the only thing on my mind. I have to text her.


Hey Vanja! What are you doing?

Hey Gavi

I'm in bed, watching some movie. What about you?

Same. I'm bored and everyone is already sleeping

I'm glad that I'm not the only one awake

I'm always awake. You can call me in 4am., I'll answer you

Good to know. Maddie said that too and I tested her once


She didn't pick up. She was sleeping like a baby

I have to try that with Pedri😂

But aren't you tired?

Not at all. I don't like to sleep that much


Someone who understands me

I know right? People are like, how you don't like to sleep

I just don't like. But people just don't understand me

I get you. Pedri on the other hand loves to sleep

We are all different

Yeah, but you and I are not that different

Yes, I agree! We actually have a lot of things in common

I wanted to ask you, if you would like to hang out tomorrow?

Sure, but where?

I mean you are famous and if people see us together, we are gonna be all over the internet

I thought about that. Maybe we can hang out at mine. You can bring Maddie with you, since Pedri will come too

Okay then. But I don't know where you live

I'll send you my adress

At what time should come?

How about 7pm.?

Okay! See you tomorrow then😊

Good night Vanja! See you!😉

She is coming. Perfect! I can't wait to see her tomorrow! I fell asleep thinking about her. Pedri is right! I smile like an idiot when I think about her. I can't help myself, but falling in love more and more.

Hi guys! I hope you like it until now. Tell me in the comments if you have some ideas and tell me your opinion for now. I maybe can't write every day, because I have school stuff to do. Thanks for the support anyway! Love you all!❤️

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