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"I pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride!"

Your wedding day had gone by in a blur, the excitement of finally getting to take your fiance's last name only growing as the hours had gone on, with the two of you officially tying the knot just a few hours prior.

The reception was in full swing by this point, your friends and family all having a blast out on the dance floor as you and Aki stood off in the corner, in your own little world as the two of you swayed to the beat.

"Do you think we should go out there and join them at some point?" You asked your husband, tilting your head so you could look up at him.

Aki pulled you closer as his eyes met yours. "We can join them in a little while, I just wanna stay like this for a little while longer."

You nodded, laying your head back on his chest as his left hand intertwined with yours, matching silver bands brushing together. The two of you stayed wrapped up in each other until the wedding band announced that it was time for the first dance, prompting Aki to carefully lead you towards the center of the dance floor, the space cleared out now.

"Do you even remember half of the moves that we had to learn for this?" Aki mumbled as the two of you took your spot, waiting for the music to start back up.

You let out a small laugh, moving your arms to wrap around his neck as his arms moved around your waist. "Absolutely not. Time to hope for the best."

The dance managed to go off without a hitch, certain moves forgotten but easily saved whenever Aki would twirl you around, a grin on his face as you looked up at him with stars in your eyes.

There was an occasional cheer from the crowd, mostly from your friends once the dance had ended, the two of you pulling away and out of breath. You both had opted to mingle amongst the crowd for a while, catching up with family or joking around with friends.

You could feel Aki's hand clutching at your hip where it was rested, his signal for being ready to get away from the crowd and head back to the hotel room that the two of you had reserved for the night.

You had said goodbye to as many people as you could find, telling them all that they could stay and party for a while longer if they wanted to before making a quick exit, running out of the reception hall, and climbing into the limo that had been rented for the night.

"My feet are killing me," you groaned, kicking off your heels as soon as you sat down, sighing in relief once the restrictive footwear was finally gone.

Aki reached over to you once he was seated as well, pulling you into his lap so you were facing him. "You looked so beautiful today," he murmured, pressing soft kisses down the side of your neck, his hands gently kneading the skin on your waist.

"You've told me that a million times already," you giggled, pulling his head back up so you could rest your forehead on his.

Aki shrugged, his eyes flicking from yours down to your lips before he leaned closer. "I know, but I'll keep saying it."

His lips pressed against yours after he spoke, gently parting against yours as the kiss deepened, his tongue slipping into your mouth. It was a slow kiss, languid movements as he took in every movement of your tongue against his, every slight noise that you were making.

You could feel the bulge growing in the pants of his suit as you slowly began to shift your hips against his, stifling a giggle when you could hear him whimper underneath you at the small movement.

Aki's hands slid down to grasp at your hips, slowly guiding you back and forth on his lap as he moved to attach his lips back to your neck, moving down so he could nip at your collarbones. "We gotta wait until we get to the hotel," you gasped at the feeling, your hands gripping his shoulders.

Devotedly Yours || Aki Hayakawa One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now