Delicate (+)

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You had always been toeing a fragile line regarding your interactions with your superior while working with Public Safety.  Subtle glances during meetings across large desks, faint brushes of your hands against his whenever you would hand over paperwork at the end of a patrol.

Forging relationships of any kind within the divisions of Public Safety was typically frowned upon, but that didn't necessarily mean that most followed that policy, choosing to hide anything that could be happening.

There were always hushed whispers throughout the halls of the building, your fellow coworkers always talking about how breathtaking Aki Hayakawa was. The demeanor with how he held himself, how dedicated he was to his job always being deemed swoon-worthy by anyone who had met him.

You couldn't help but agree with what they were all saying. You would always find your gaze lingering on him during the times you would be out on patrol with him, more interested in memorizing every small detail about him instead of looking for devils.

That didn't stop you from being anything short of professional, knowing where to draw the line between being a girl with a silly little crush and his subordinate. The feelings kept growing, however, and him returning smaller affections had you beginning to wonder if maybe he felt the same.

He would never be the one to act on anything first, you knew that firsthand, so it was up to you if you wanted to try and make a move on the usually quiet man. You had been devising a plan for weeks, finally deciding to set it in motion tonight after he got back from patrol.

Mostly everybody had left the office by the time he finally returned, stepping into your office in order to go over some paperwork with you.

You had already enacted the first phase of your plan, removing your blazer, tie, and unbuttoning the first few buttons of your undershirt under the guise of 'keeping comfortable', revealing your cleavage in order to see what your superior would do.

A smirk grew on your face when you noticed his eyes flicker towards your chest, a faint flush on his cheeks as he cleared his throat and started pointing out a section of your notes that needed some adjustments.

You leaned closer to him, giving Aki a clearer view of your chest as you tapped your pen on the paper. "You said it was just this section, right Mr. Hayakawa?" You blinked up at him, rolling your bottom lip between your teeth.

Aki nodded, reaching over and grabbing your pen from you as he underlined a few words. His eyes looked over at your chest once more, the gaze lingering longer than it had before. "Yes, just this part here," he mumbled, shifting in his seat.

He handed the pen back over to you, his hand brushing against yours as you took it back between your fingers, the contact lasting no longer than a few seconds but leaving sparks crawling up your arm.

You quickly fixed the few lines that needed revision, staying leaned over the desk in hopes that his eyes would stay lingering on your frame, and to your delight, it did.

His eyes met yours as you looked back up at him. Aki quickly averted his gaze, trying to look anywhere other than you. "Is there something wrong, sir?" You feigned innocence, reaching over and gently running your pointer finger over the top of his hand.

"Oh, um, it's nothing," Aki coughed out, eyes trailing back up to meet yours. "Just a little distracted is all."

"Distracted?" You hummed, scooting your chair closer to where he was sitting. "Is there anything on your mind, Mr. Hayakawa? I could probably help you out with that if you want me to."

"Your shirt," he muttered, looking back down at the desk, twirling the pen between his fingers. 

"Just wanted to get more comfortable after a long day," you shrugged. "You can look, I don't mind. I know you want to."

Devotedly Yours || Aki Hayakawa One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora