Out of Time (+)

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The sex is very briefly mentioned in just one paragraph, but I wanted to mention it anyways just in case <3


Timing was never going to work out well in Aki's favor. He knew that much once he started working for Public Safety. He was never going to live the long and fulfilling life that he had once dreamed of in his youth. He was going to die soon.

Aki would never allow himself to open up to anybody due to this, he didn't want to form a connection just to be pulled away from it at the drop of a pin. There was still yearning in his chest anytime he saw happy couples walking down busy roads, giggling amongst themselves as they held hands, navigating their way through the city with one another.

He simply just chose to believe that he would live out the rest of his days in the same pattern that he had grown accustomed to. Wake up, sit on his balcony with a nice warm cup of coffee and a cigarette placed neatly between his fingers before going inside to wrangle Denji and Power to the best of his abilities.

He still remembers when you had just recently joined Public Safety, being left in his hands in order to show you how things were done. He had brought a complaint forward to Makima, questioning on why he always got stuck with the new members, but she quickly shut him down by simply saying that he was the only one who could do the job right.

He knew better than to argue with Makima, so there he was, walking down a busy street with you trailing behind him after finishing up for the day. He'd be lying if he tried to say that he wasn't drawn to you as soon as his eyes fell upon you. Everything from the way your eyes met his, full of confidence, all the way down to your stance, not slouched or showing any sort of apprehension as he addressed you for the first time.

You were pestering him with questions the entire journey, ranging from basic questions to try and get to know the quiet man, all the way to how he started working for Public Safety. Aki gave nothing more than quick, small answers to your questions, much to your dismay.

He did feel bad at his lack of answers, turning around and noticing that your energy had died down, your incessant questions coming to an end as you fell into silence, not wanting to bother him anymore. Aki paused, turning to face you as you nearly smashed into him, too lost in your head to notice that he had stopped. "You alright?" he asked you, his tone flat as always as he looked you up and down.

"I'm fine," you mumbled, stepping back from him and looking down at your feet, embarrassed with the fact that you were letting something as trivial as this get you down.

Aki let out a sigh, causing you to raise your head and look at him. "C'mon. I know you wanna talk, we can go back to my apartment in order to do so. Denji and Power will be out for the night so they won't bother us."

You simply nodded your head, following behind him as he led you to his apartment.

That was nearly three months ago, now. As hard as he tried to keep himself as closed off as possible towards you, he would always falter. The way you would look at him wide eyed and attentive anytime he spoke, giving you few details of his life made him feel as if he could spill his whole life story to you.

He didn't know how simple conversations taking place late into the night over coffee growing cold and cigarettes burning led to you  straddling his lap, your lips locked with his as small whimpers left your mouth.

Aki always swore that he wouldn't open up to anybody, let himself love somebody, but oh but how you molded perfectly against him while you were under him, body writhing as he slowly fucked into you, soft whispers of praise being muttered into your ear as he coaxed you towards another orgasm.

The usually stoic man was absolutely smitten with you, waking up to the smell of breakfast wafting into his room from the kitchen in the mornings after you'd spent the night. The way you were always able to get Denji and Power to calm down enough to act like regular people for once.

You were the light that was shining in the shadow of his short life. Going through the motions of domestic bliss with you before heading off to work, you helping him out with chores around his apartment. You rarely left his side, causing everybody that you both knew to shoot small glances, most surprised that he had actually let someone through his cold demeanor.

The day he told you that he wasn't going to live much longer was a solemn day for you both. Aki fully expected you to take in the news and decide that you didn't want to be with him anymore, not wanting to be with someone who couldn't give you the life you deserved.

Oh was he surprised when you pulled him into his arms after you told him, whispering sweet words to him as he allowed himself to cry for the first time in years. He remembers you running your hands through his hair as you promised him that you would be with him till the end, the knowledge of his early death not changing how you felt about him.

He helped you as much as you helped him. Whenever you had a rough day at work, he was always there to massage away the pain and run you a hot bath, joining you and scrubbing off all of the dirt and blood, gentle traces of his fingers against your spine when he was done, trying to get you to relax further.

When he would carry you to bed after those baths, wrapping you up in his blankets before laying next to you, wordlessly pulling you into his arms, hugging you as close to his body as he possibly could. He never wanted to let you go.

Aki remembers the first time you told him that you loved him. The two of you were laying in bed after having another long talk on his balcony, your head on his chest as he ran his fingers through your hair, something he did often after you let it slip that you loved the feeling.

You had raised your head, the movement causing him to look down at you. He could see it in your eyes before you even told him, he felt his heart burst as soon as you murmured the words I love you. He pulled you in closer, pressing a soft kiss to your lips before telling you that he loved you too.

The time you spent with Aki was short, but it was so sweet. You found yourself at his gravestone every year on the anniversary of his death, with a pack of his favorite cigarettes and a bouquet of his favorite flowers in your hand.

You'd sit there for hours, talking to his grave, a lit cigarette in hand as you told him everything new that was going on in your life.

You never did take on another lover, despite Aki telling you to go find yourself a new happiness once he was gone. He wanted nothing more than for you to move on, to find someone who could shower you with the love you deserved until your last day on Earth.

The time you spent with Aki was short, but you knew in your heart that nobody could compare to him. The two of you were simply out of time, but you would never regret your time with him, nor would you ever try and seek out someone new.

You were the love of Aki's life, and he was the love of yours.

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