Chapter 1 - Commander Bastian

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( this is later revised. Some of the order here on wattpad is wonky. If you are reading here free for the first time, please go check out the fully updated version on REAM. Link in the bio.) 

The Commander – By Isoellen

Scenario–Alien takeover. Aliens are humanoid, but still  very different. Dubious Consent, bondage, violence trigger warnings

The Red Hats from the night patrol had the girl between them, hauling her towards Correction as he stood in the doorway of the building. The prisoner in room 6 had been a "sprayer" in more ways than one, and Commander Bastian needed to wash and change into something clean.

It looked like the grunts picked the girl up for being out after curfew. The sun had dipped while he'd been working inside and soldiers gone out to keep the night peaceful, the way he liked it. Humans of this planet were small and weak. As prevalent and pervasive as rodents, they scuttled into the dark out of their garbage heaps to cause trouble. He'd lobbied with the exploratory team for mass extermination upon planet arrival, rather than trying to train the humans. But all the lesser-elevated-over-educated in Control voted him down, paying lip service to not wasting resources.

It wasted Bastian's patience resources to have to deal with the constant stupidity of rural imbeciles. With signs posted everywhere and in their own language and announcements blasted through the human community places, they had plenty of notices of his expectations. Occupation meant new rules, for obvious reasons. It wasn't advanced shit. His people owned this place, and everything left on it; follow regulations or face consequences.

The woman struggled for her life between the Red Hats. Hands tied behind her back; her resistance confounded the abilities of a race built for killing.

Watching her antics as they dragged her along, the Commander smirked with amusement at her red-faced struggle. Captured, there was no escape for her. The Red Hats had her scent stored away in their tiny little brains, imprinted forever. One of the races interesting traits. Though the half-team night duty guards handled her with no finesse at all.

Where was the other half of the duty? Bringing in another human? Were the rebels playing games again?

Humans knew they should not be out of their habitations after dark. The consequences were obvious for youthful, well-shaped girls. The Red Hats had relentless hungers and seed sized brains. They'd fuck anything with a hole. The pretty little thing yowled like a scalded kitten while four trained Red Hat grunts attempted to contain her, their salivating expressions broadcasting everything they planned to do with their catch.

She was prey, and Bastian could smell her fear scent from where he stood. The salty musk of sweat beaded on the back of her neck and dripping down between her tits under her layers of clothes, steamed through the air separating him from the group. Strangely sweet and unique- the perfect combination of fuckable and edible.

Control told the Primes that the Sarrian would create new capital streams from this planet's remaining assets. It had great potential for exploitation, they said. Bastian doubted that. Human use poisoned all the decent resources leaving humans its largest inhabitant other than insect life. There were better, closer, easier places in the known galaxies to claim for profit. Places where every damn thing didn't need to be sanitized or rehabilitated before transportation.

Exploratory teams discovered more than water and minerals. Bastian had seen the reports. Some humans came with their own special properties. The scent and taste of all their body fluids affected Primal Battlers, specifically. His people had been here before and left surprizes behind. Bastian hated surprises, especially ones coded into alien DNA.

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