25| Macy

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I secure the towel around my body before stepping out of the shower.

Declan already has a towel wrapped around his waist and is leaning against the sink, waiting for me. "I didn't realize wrapping yourself in a towel took twenty minutes." he snickers.

I swat his arm with the back of my hand. "You just got out, like five seconds before me."

"It's been at least five minutes."

"That's BS and you know it."

Declan smiles and reaches out, cupping my cheek. "How do you feel?"


"How do you feel after orgasming?" He gives me a pointed look.

"Again, tired," I repeat before snickering. "I feel good, Declan. Like, really good."

"That's amazing, sweetheart." He pecks the tip of my nose. "FYI, I can suffer sleeping with sweatpants on since the kid is here, but I will not be forced to sleep with a shirt on."

I chuckle. "You can sleep with a shirt off, Declan. It's okay."

"Great. Glad we're on the same page. Now, can we go to bed? I'm exhausted and I don't even know what time it is."

"Yes please," I say before a yawn breaks through.

Declan takes my hand and guides me out of the bathroom.

We quickly put clothes on, deciding to leave our discarded towels on the floor. Declan pulls the covers back and I glance at Axel's bed before turning back to Declan. "Mind if we break the sleepover rule for tonight?"

A grin stretches across his lips. "Come on, sweetheart." He pulls the covers back and I slide in underneath them. "I'm a master at breaking rules."

"Are you just a master of everything? Ice, breaking rules." I press my back to his bare chest as he drapes his arm over me.

"Also sex. Definitely a master of sex. And eating. I'm a pretty good driver. Maybe not NASCAR level but hey, I'm a master of so many other things I don't have time to work on a real-life Hot Wheels track." I chuckle at his words as my eyelids begin to fall heavy. "What are you gonna do, Mace?"

"About what?" I roll over in his arms and force my eyes open. The lights are out except in the bathroom, but the door is mostly closed.

"I dunno. Your mom? I mean, we do have her car."

I let out a heavy sigh. "I don't know, Declan. Do you think my dad is going to leave her unsupervised now that he knows she called me? I'm more worried about what will happen to you."

"The fucker who hurt his own daughter is out roaming free, but the guy who fought the fucker for his daughter is gonna get hit with an assault charge. Seems fair." I feel him shrug his shoulder.

"It's not fair, but there's nothing I can do about it... Except maybe talk to him."

Declan lifts his head from the pillow. "You're joking, right?"

"I mean, maybe I could get him to back off. Not do anything."

"I'd rather go to jail than let you talk to that man again. Did you not hear how he talked to you tonight, Macy? And he didn't even look at me until I stepped in, let alone Axel." His words hit hard, but only because they're true.

I guess maybe I'd made it up in my mind, that if my parents saw Axel, maybe they'd regret what they did and at least try to put in an effort to fix our relationship. That doesn't mean I'd let them back into my life, but to know that they care would be nice.

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