13| Macy

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Sitting here, on my classroom floor, putting away books with Declan shouldn't be as relaxing as it is.

But the way he keeps smiling over at me, has something warm filling my lower belly. And even I can't deny the fact that I like him being here.

His presence is... Refreshing. He's just so positive. Almost zero negative words have left his mouth since we met. Even when I turned him down, and pushed him away, he didn't lash out or say any hurtful things. Maybe I was wrong. Maybe he isn't the bad boy in this story.

"So, what's your favorite book then?" He asks, glancing over at me again.

I smile softly and tuck a strand of loosely curled hair behind my ear. "Right now, or of all time?"

"Of all time first, then your current one."

"Hmm, The Book Thief is really good. But I always liked Little Women when I was younger. What about you?"

"Probably The Hobbit or The Lord of the Rings. I have this sick special edition version of Lord of the Rings."


"Yeah. I'm too scared to read them, though, so they sit up on display and instead I ruin my original copies some more." He admits and I bite down my bottom lip to stop myself from smiling. He's adorable, truly.

"I'm really into sports romances right now."

"Oh?" Declan cocks a dark eyebrow.

"Don't go getting all cocky. I was into them before I met you."

"What kind of sports?"

I shrug. "Only basketball and football." His pained expression has me giggling.

Declan pulls out his phone and holds up his forefinger. He rolls onto his stomach and props himself up on his elbows. "Hope you're okay with smut."

Both my brows raise on their own. "You know what that is?"

He flashes me a smug grin. "Sweetheart, I know just about everything when it comes to sex." And with a wink, he goes back to looking at his phone. Little does he know, I'm squirming inside.

"There. Your new books will be delivered by Monday."

"Books? Plural?"

"You, Miss Robertson," he wiggles his finger at me, " have just booked a one-way flight to hockey land, and you ain't ever coming back, sweetheart."

"What did you even get?"

"I don't know, some hockey romance series. It's called the Off-Campus series, by Elle Kennedy. Had good reviews, so I just bought 'em all. Then I bought a copy of the series for myself. So we can have a little book club." My eyes widen at his words.

"Declan, I am not starting a book club with you." Especially one that involves, hot, erotic books. But I keep that part to myself.

"Fine, you don't have to respond to my texts about the books, but you will be getting them. So unless you want spoilers, I suggest you read them too."

And true to his word, that upcoming Monday, I got a package delivered to my door, and an hour later I got a text message.

Declan James: want to come over and start our book club? or do it virtually?

And I responded with, Axel still has a bug. This caused Declan to respond with, I'll text in thirty minutes to discuss the first three chapters.

Knowing he was serious, I found the first book of the series and got to work reading.

Declan James: Awe, she's a singer. How cute. Personally, I'm a big fan of Garrett.
Me: It's been six minutes.
Declan James: I decided to text you some of my reactions since you're not able to witness them yourself at this time.
Me: Well I can't read the first three chapters if you keep distracting me.
Declan James: LOL, sorry!

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