16| Declan

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"Declan and Macy sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" My teammates sing and I roll my eyes.

"Alright guys, knock it off," Gael says, hushing everyone.

"Thank you." I pull my shirt over my head.

"Decky's gotta girlfriend!" Gael sings right in my ear, and I sigh.

"She's not even my girlfriend." I point out, shoving my gear into my cubby.

"Yet." Someone in the back says.

"Is it that hot blonde that was at the game last week?"

"I thought blondes weren't his type?"

I pinch the bridge of my nose. "Okay, will you all seriously knock it off? Yes, she's blonde. And yes she was at the game. Now, seriously, cut it out with the elementary school songs."

Everyone glances around the locker room before they start singing again. I roll my eyes and slip on my boots during K-I-S-S-I-N-G.

"Goodbye," I say as I walk out of the changing room.

I shoot a text to Macy, telling her I'm on my way, and hop into my truck.

Of course, it took a lot of convincing for her to let me come pick them up. She's as stubborn as a mule. She didn't understand the point of me driving the whole twenty minutes to Sterling Heights just to drive us back to the city.

It also took a lot of convincing to come to the city. I think big cities may make her nervous. Then you throw in the fact that I'm pretty popular, and it probably wouldn't make the best mix. But, Axel talks about animals all the time, and Macy made a comment about how they haven't been to the zoo since he was two. But considering it's cold as shit outside, we're not going to the zoo.

The good news is, Detroit has a kick-ass aquarium. So that's where we're going. We'll do lunch, and fish, and maybe by then, I will have persuaded her to come to tonight's game-which I was fortunate enough to get seats next to Meredith.

"Is it ever not cold?" Macy asks as I slide into the driver's seat of the Range Rover. I'd've felt much safer if we were in my truck, but it made no sense to keep moving Axel's car seat, so here we are.

"You live in Michigan, Macy." I remind her and she grumbles, hugging her body. Her teeth are even chattering. I reach forward and turn her seat warmers on. "I always forget about those."

"They have a cooling system too."

"Do I look like I need to be cooled down, Declan?"

"Mr.Declan, do you want to hear my theory?"

Macy and I share a look. "You know what a theory is?"

"Yeah, Mama. Do you want to hear it, or not?"

"Sure, buddy."

He giggles before farting. Yes, he let one rip. And like the male specimen I am, I laugh-loudly. Which only encourages Axel's laughter.

"That's a good theory, huh?"

Macy shakes her head and covers her face with her palms, then she looks at me, embarrassment written all over her pretty face. "I'm so sorry."

"Do I look mad?" I ask through a laugh.

"No, but-"

"Want to hear my other theory?"

"Maybe let's not," Macy says, but he does it anyway. The car is filled with his laughter, and even Macy can't hide her smile. It's a happy sound, one that warms me up all the way to my toes. Maybe I should record it and play it when I'm pissed off or something, I dunno.

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