8| Declan

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"I can't just take your car. Especially a freaking Range Rover!" She gestures toward the garage.

"Okay, a third option. You just spend the night here. Like I said, the Toyota isn't up for discussion in these weather conditions. You said your son comes first and that car is not safe for him. So, take the keys. Unless you want the truck instead." Her eyes widen at that.

"Declan." She protests.

"I can go grab some pajamas for you right now." I gesture to the house and reach for the door handle.

"No." Macy reaches over and places her hand on mine, sending a shock through my thumb. We both pull our hands away quickly.

I knew there was something going in between us but I didn't think it was literally sparks.

"This is too much. What if I wreck it?"

"I have great insurance," I tell her with a smug grin.

There's been twice now that I've made a comment and Macy visibly tensed and got lost in her head. The first time I let it go. The second time though? That was different. It was more serious. I really didn't intend for her slim fingers to brush against my cock-even if I was fully clothed. It just happened, and her flustered reaction was adorable and hilarious at the same time.

I'm a man. I love chasing a woman. And I definitely want what I can't have. But with Macy? I'm not attracted to her because she doesn't want to fuck me. No, I know for a fact she's interested in me. And I'm definitely interested in her.

I don't care if I have to give her my damn Range Rover for a few days for her to trust me. I'm going to gain her trust.

And I don't know why I was so worried about Axel. He's adorable and I only felt nervous when I held him the first time. Now, here I am, carefully pulling him out of his car seat, trying not to wake him up.

"You're taking the car," I tell her, pulling the car seat out of my truck. "Get over it. It just means you have to see me again."

"Oh boy, just what I wanted." She says sarcastically, taking the car seat from my hand.

"Admit it, Macy, you had fun today. We're on the verge of being besties now."

She snatches the keys from my hand and disappears into the garage.

I follow her to the car with Axel still in my arms.

"We definitely are not besties," Macy mutters, reaching her hands out.

I shake my head and place Axel in the car seat myself. "No... But we will be." I rest my arm on the roof of the car. "Will you text me when you get home?" She sighs but nods. "You promise?"

"Yeah. I'll text you."

"Okay," I whisper before stepping in for a hug, only to change my mind and reach for the door so I don't look stupid. "Drive safe."

"Thanks, again. For the coffee too. And the scone. And the cookie. Juice box. Hockey tickets. Hockey jerseys. You're never paying for anything for me ever again." She points at me with the key fob.

"Ah, so this is happening again?"

"This wasn't a date, James."

I crack a smile. "Sure it wasn't. I'd want you in a pretty dress for that."

"Maybe you should live somewhere warmer then." She slides into the car and adjusts the seat before reaching for the handle and shutting the door. The car roars to life and she rolls down the window before moving the mirrors.

"Did you enjoy the game, at least?"

"I had no idea what was happening." Macy scrunches up her nose and I smile.

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