10| Declan

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Somehow, I talked Macy into letting me come over and cook dinner tonight.

Okay, I didn't talk her into it. I'm basically babysitting so she can come up with the rest of the week's lesson plans without distraction. But hey, a win is a win.

Oh, and I'll use my amazing cooking skills to persuade her to come to the game tomorrow. With parents that were hardly around and a sister that burns anything she touches, I had to learn to make food myself while I was growing up. And I think it plays a good part in the ladies' department.

"Mr.Declan, I gotta tell you a question."

I chuckle. "A question to ask me?."

"Um, yeah, tell you." I chuckle as I lean against the counter. "At school, we learned about all these animals. And- and giraffes are my favorite. They're for serious really tall." Axel raises his arm above his head.

"They are super tall? Do you want to be tall?" I squat down.

"Mommy says I'm not allowed to get any taller. Because if I does, she cries."

"We don't want Mommy to cry, do we?"

"No." He shakes his head.

"Then you can just be tall until she gets here." I hoist him up and set him on my shoulders.

Axel laughs. "I can touch the ceiling!"

"What else do you learn about at school?" I ask as I stir the pasta sauce.

"Um, I learned that coffee isn't healthy. And Mama needs to stop drinking it." I laugh at his words.

"I drink it too."

"You need to drink water, Mr.Declan."

"Hey, can I let you in on a secret? You can just call me Declan."

"But Mama says-"

"Mama won't care. I promise." I look up at him as he hooks his hands under my chin. "Do you drink water?"

"I drink Apple Juice. It's healthier than water."

"I'll drink some too, then. Hey, I heard you like dinosaurs."

"Dinosauruses are my favorite!" He squeals in excitement as he chokes me.

I reach up and loosen his grip a bit. "Which one is your absolute favorite?"

"Um... The Dilophosaurus." My eyes widen at how clear his pronunciation is. Then I remember his mother is a teacher--an English one, at that.

"Do you know how to read yet?"

"Um, no. All my friends can, though."

"Mr.Declan has Dyslexia too, Axel. I'm sure he'd be okay with you talking about it." Macy's voice scares the living crap out of me.

I turn around with Axel still on my shoulders. She's leaning against the door frame.

"Mama look at how tall I am!"

"You are!"

"How long have you been standing there?" I ask, placing my palm behind Axel's back.

"Since you agreed to drink apple juice instead of water."

"No Mama. No coffee." Axel tells her matter of factly and I snicker.

"Yeah, Mama. Coffee is bad."

Macy walks to the fridge and grabs the half-full bottle of apple juice. "Have at it, boys."

Macy pulls Axel down from my shoulders and rests him on her hip. "Can you tell Mr.Declan why you can't read?" An unsure expression clouds over his smile.

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