Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Alpha Lily Reaper

"I can only tell you what I know." Lisa reluctantly replied. 

"I want every last detail Lisa." My father cautioned. 

"Especially if you want your son to make it out alive and in one piece. I have nothing stopping me from ripping that bastard apart." Reed threatened. I couldn't help but casually sit in the background while I watched on as the three men in the room gave her nothing but threatening stares. 

"I will tell you what I know in exchange for his safety." Lisa bartered. My father simply gestured his hand for her to start talking.

"I don't know a lot. Everyone in The Order is prohibited from speaking about their tasks, their roles, their responsibilities." Lisa started to explain. 

"I don't want to have to place a command on you but I don't trust you to be honest." With that Alexander's eyes darkened and for the first time in a while I felt the strength of our bond deepen as his wolf took control. "I command you, as King to reveal nothing but the truth. You will answer any question asked by those in this room. Do you understand?" His voice bellowed. 

Lisa reluctantly bowed her head, even if I was on equally footing to Alexander, I still felt the strength and power in his command. It was one thing to ignore the command of an Alpha, but to ignore the reigning King, it was hopeless. A part of me is glad he is intervening, it would save us the effort of trying to work out what was the truth and what was a lie. 

"What was your role?" Reed questioned. 

"My role was to infiltrate the Lumos pack. I wasn't told much other than my cousin was struggling with her pregnancy and it would be my responsibility to support her as a way in the door. At first I was never told why, it wasn't my role to question it. I had been told that it was my duty to follow the orders of The Order."

"What happened when you got here? Were you in contact with The Order from the moment you stepped here?" My father spat in disgust. 

"Yes I was in contact with The Order. I was asked to provide regular updates on any changes in the pack. They asked me to stick to my cousin as she was the Luna. They believed that I would be able to gain information from her." She looked away. I couldn't help but notice there was this guilty look in her eye, however this quickly passed. Her eyes became cold that it sent a shiver down my spine. 

"What aren't you saying? There's more and I want every single detail. I know you are hiding something and I want you to reveal what it is you are hiding. Now." My voice commanded through the room. I couldn't help but hesitate to use my power as the rightful Queen Luna. Only Reed was aware of my abilities. He never questioned me on it, he would give me a questioning gaze but never delve into why I was able to do this. 

"I... I.... I was responsible for the death of your mother." The words tumbled out of her mouth. "My cousin caught wind of me speaking to The Order. I knew she heard what I had said but she didn't question me further. She became sceptical of me. She held back. When I told The Order my suspicions they sent me a vial and told me to put it in her food. That it would eventually lead to her death." 

A pin could have dropped in the room, it was a heavy silence. Both me and Reed passed each other sympathetic glances. For the woman we believed to be our mother, was a murder of our biological mother. It was worst than I expected. The pain in my chest throbbed harder. The injustice given to a woman we never had the chance to know, the woman who had given us life. Before I could dwell on the information, a toe-curling growl was released from my father. He was quick to jump on his feet despite his age and instinctively his hand reached out and clasped around her throat. The pain of his growl was still echoing through the room. 

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