Chapter 38: Setting the Foundation

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Opening my eyes, not to find the pillows of my wives and the walls of our bedroom. Yet... I find glass walls and... the gym!? How did I from my desk to the living room?!

Immediately, Bismarck notices my panicked movements and rushes to my side. Her seductiveness dominates my vision.

 Her seductiveness dominates my vision

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Bismarck - Don't panic, Liebster~. We're here, right beside you. 
- I... | I fall to my back, breathing slowly as I almost had a panic attack.

I feel a familiar touch, yet it's not Bismarck as she's smiling happily at me. I look to the origin of the touch and find my other wife.

 I look to the origin of the touch and find my other wife

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Tirpitz - I'm here for you, just like my Schwester. Liebster~. | I admire my wife, her amazing figure teasing me - identical to her sister! I disregard the sea gull that just flew past our house...

- Why are you two in swimsuits? Isn't it still spring?
Bismarck - It's 20 degrees Celsius outside, Liebster. In the sun, it's 10 extra.
- Summer already?! | I sense myself being drenched in sweat.

I take off my hoodie and check my T-shirt, it's completely drenched. 

- Is the couch wet?!
Bismarck - Nein, Liebster. It's nicht.
Tirpitz - Let's gehen outside. Schwester, let's beginnen on the Garten.
- Are you two messing with me? | I grin happily.

Bismarck & Tirpitz - Nein~. We werden on dich wait, Liebster. | I get teased and ultimately lose... The sharkos shoot past me as I go upstairs to find shorts and a non-drenched T-shirt. While also going to yeet my drenched clothes in the washer.

Outside, the sun gently burns my skin, in a good way. Can't believe it's already over 20 degrees...

I spot my wives near the Sakura Empire-styled garden I made a while back.
- How's it going here?
Tirpitz - We're just planning to see what will fit.
Bismarck - Unlike last night... We have to be careful! | They both stare at me, displeased.
- I'm sorry... I... did it again... 
Tirpitz - Liebster~... We're not mad. Very much the opposite.
Bismarck - We're happy you function at... with... on... such a high drive.
- But I hurt you both... How can that be good?

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