Chapter 17: Punishing Care

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Coughed out of my own sleep, I groan as I stand from the bed. My partners worried, do the same.

Feeling heavy and sluggish, I proceed to step out of bed and look at my ladies.
Bismarck - Kommandant, Sie sehen nicht so gut aus...
Tirpitz - Denker, go with him downstairs. | Keks joins his friend.
- I'll... make you two coffee.
Even worse, I feel like a sack of potatoes, slugging around the home. Nothing will stop me from making coffee for my lovers!
Tirpitz - We'll join you three soon. | I nod and, with a groan, head downstairs.

As I sit, waiting... I spot the sharkos looking at me. With confusion and worry.
- Just a mild cold. Nothing I can't handle. | Keks points towards the kitchen cabinet containing everything we need concerning medicine.
They continue to point at it and even frowning.
- Ah! I see what you two mean... | Grabbing all the energy I have left, I pour fine white powder into my signed mug and wait - leaning onto the counter.

Tirpitz - Kommandant, please consider changing your morning brew with one of those... | The girls see that I already am a step ahead.
Bismarck - You'll feel better after, Kommandant. We're sure of it! | Bismarck gives me a loving hug. Kissing my head.
Tirpitz puts her hand on my forehead, presumably, measuring my temperature.
Bismarck - How is it?
Tirpitz - He's a bit over... Nothing a hug won't fix! | She proceeds to hug me, kissing my head.

Engulfed in tender care and mild touching, my body relaxes greatly. 

Keks and Denker snap their jaws, alerting us of the boiling water.
- Aaaah!
Bismarck - We'll take care of the house until your feeling better!
Tirpitz - You should drink it until it's hot.
- I will.... Can we... also simply do our own chores?
Tirpitz - We sure can!
Bismarck - Schwester, I bring the laundry!
Tirpitz - Okay~! | The head off to their own chores, leaving me with the sharks.

Their physical form hasn't changed... Though it is supposed to. 

- Should you two become stronger? | Keks nods at me. 
Denker lets his head hang, perhaps in disappointment. 

The girls return, Tirpitz lays out the laundry and both of them begin to fold it.
- Girls, shouldn't your sharks grow?
Bismarck - Hehehe. Their not human, you know that, Kommandant~. But... They should.
Tirpitz - We didn't check, do they need the cube to do so?
- Wanna try it out? | The girls shoot upstairs.

I look at the sharks, their tails wagging in synch.

Returning with their cube, the girls look at their happily-wagging riggings. 
Tirpitz - How do we... 
Bismarck - Like this?
Bismarck holds out the cube, gradually its glow gets brighter until particles start flying around the sharkos.
As they look at each other, Keks and Denker, improve. Physically!

I watch with eyes wide open as the riggings of my lovers transform into a new form. One that significantly differs from their previous.
Bismarck - They grew! They're still adorable!
Tirpitz - We can still cuddle with them! I want to pick them up!
- Does the cube... say anything else?

The girls look at the cube, the sharkos check out their new form. Stronger, more durable and most importantly - cuddleable.

I remember their minimal struggles with carrying a fruit bowl and laundry recently, that shouldn't be a problem anymore.

Tirpitz - Komm her, Denker! | Her riggings jumps into her arms. Their weight hasn't changed, if anything, they became lighter.
Bismarck - Keks! Komm! | Keks doesn't hesitate to jump into his wearers embrace.
- Can I get one too~...? | If I could make puppy eyes, this would be the time.
The sharkos point at me, asking their wearers to accept my request.
Bismarck & Tirpitz - Family hug~! | My existence is being engulfed in feelings of joy, gratefulness and did I mention the joy?

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