Chapter 9: Two mighty Assistants

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Growling out of my sleep, knowing today will not be easy.

Rubbing my eyes open, I stand up and stretch my limbs. My beloved Partners enjoy a discussion downstairs - presumably on the couches.
Rushing downstairs, for a cup of much-needed coffee, I find them waiting for me.
Bismarck & Tirpitz - Morgen, Herr Kommandant! | They greet me with a smile on their face. 
- Morning, you two. Why the wait?
Starting the machine up, I catch the girls staring at my torso. 
- What's wrong?
Tirpitz - For the muscles you have... you're... quite gentle and soft~...
Bismarck - B-By that we mean that you're strong and mighty---Eeeek! 
Tirpitz - We blew it~....!
Bismarck - We totally did~...!
Amused by their attempt to compliment my muscles, I make us all coffee.

- You two going to help me today, right?
Bismarck - We will. We've spoken about this yesterday, Kommandant.
Tirpitz - Plus, it's an excellent way to tease you during work~.
- Y-You two... | I remember how they did it last time. Letting me stare at their beauty while I was trying to finish work... Pure torture...

I've discussed today's work with them. I have multiple medium-sized file cabinets near our desks, one can very easily overlook them. Besides getting familiar with the cabinets' contents and the arrangement of the files, the girls quickly got excited to help me.

Tirpitz - Say, Kommandant. Wanna play tonight?
- No need to ask! You two know I'm excited to play with you every night. | ... This can be understood in two ways... 
Bismarck - We know... yet we always ask. 
- Blame's on me.... I always look busy and... sometimes even exhausted... for some... miserable projects...

Tirpitz & Bismarck - Your work is not miserable! | They jump from their seats.
Bismarck - You earn more than most people would in a year! 
Tirpitz - In just a month!
- Thanks... girls. But... the pain... will always be there... | I drown in regret as I recall the very few moments I couldn't spend with them.

Tirpitz - Those moments were so short! We didn't even notice!
Bismarck - Remember when Tirpitz and I made that large dinner?
- I couldn't forget that.
Bismarck - We couldn't even start eating and you were back already! | They really are two sweethearts~!
Rushing in for a hug, they kiss me on the cheeks and get to their respective seats.

Energized and ready for tor--I mean work, I take a stroll around the outside of our home. The sun is barely visible on the horizon.

Drowned in my mind, I proceed to forge a plan for today. One that I will follow step by step!

Once I will finish work, I shall... we shall order the needed things for today. Followed by dinner and a playing accompanied by a fine wine.

Perfection! This will be fantastic! As always, when the two of them are around me.

Checking the time, I take one last stroll around the home - stopping by the pool and staring at the city. Rather... what I can see from here.

Bismarck - Kommandant, Tirpitz and I will get ready. Please don't rush~. | She peaks the sliding door open, leading to the pool.
- Alright, dears~. | I spot Tirpitz hiding behind Bismarck.

Dreading work won't solve anything. It's not as if it's anything important... This project only influences how much I get paid from now on. Besides my last promotion, then I've reached the maximum position in the company. Los geht's...!

Stomping upstairs, I put on a fresh change of clothes and give myself a few sprays of perfume. Hopping into my formal shirt and pants, shoes too, I await the arrival of my Beloveds.

Stepping in, Bismarck stops holding a clipboard in hands.

Bismarck - Herr Kommandant, Tirpitz and I are ready to assist you.

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