Chapter 10: A Rainy Day Off

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Brought out of my sleep by my phone ringing. I leap my arm over to the nightstand.

The sisters are sound asleep, cuddled up and tucked in. Looking just like little children.
After last week's workload, I decided to yeet straight into the next project. Obviously, the girls were not taking, no, as an answer. Meaning they stood up late with me, sadly... we couldn't play a whole lot recently.

Thus, I snuck in a few extra hours of work last night and got everything finished. Thus... meaning... it's my day off~...!
After that work session, I decided to set alarms to prevent myself from sleeping through the day. 

With my promotion, I can choose what project I work on - with which I will take my time picking.

Promotion aside, my pay also got... doubled... or tripled...? That means! The sisters can order more stuff now, we could even buy another house - Hehe!
A day off... completely off. My brain will be forced to NOT think of work - not even for a second!

Bismarck - Kommandant~... | Someone's awake.
- Morning.
Tirpitz - You sure love staring at us.
Bismarck - He can look and he can touch. 
Tirpitz - Of course, not too much touching~.
- I would never do that while you two are asleep!
Tirpitz - We know~! | Tirpitz rolls over, hugging me instantly. Her Sister follows too, I give both of them kisses on the head and ruffle their hair.

Tirpitz - Hehehe! You too Kommandant!
Bismarck - Angriff!
Attacked by both Flagships of the Iron Blood is truly terrifying. Terrifyingly cute! 

Continuing to ruffle their hair, they give up and tend to it.
Sitting on the bed, they look at me with an expecting expression. Though, they already know the good news.
- What's up?
Bismarck - C-Could you... P-P-Please...
Tirpitz - Fo-Food? 
- Breakfast? On it! | I shoot off downstairs. Just wearing my underwear.

Arriving at the counter... I forgot to ask what they want. Feeling silly, I jog back upstairs to ask them - perhaps even put on some clothes. Just maybe.
Frozen on the spot, the girls look at me. Staring at me underwear.

Bismarck - Iron Blood underwear! 
Tirpitz - Fits you, Kommandant.
Bismarck - After all, he's the Kommandant.
- Thanks. I forgot to ask, what do you two want to eat?
Tirpitz - A-Anything is fine...
Bismarck - W-Well... We... | Attempting to speak through their shyness. I crouch over and hold their hands, telling them both what they need to hear.
Bismarck - We know that~! It's... you do all the work always... 
Tirpitz - It's your day off too~!
- It's grand that you two care for me. One must complete his duties, even when he's free. Don't be shy to ask me anything, ever. Even at midnight. Or later than that.

Bismarck - Then... Omelettes.
- That won't be enough~. I'll add something to it. Come on~.
Tirpitz - Thank you.
- Anytime~, you two~.
Before making another step, I must put on clothes.

The weather outside is hot... with a wind that doesn't... add up.

Shorts on, I march downstairs and get started on the food. Once the girls are here, I'll suggest a plan for today. A good one too!

Washing the dishes after a healthy breakfast, I notice my partners in their swimsuits enjoying the sunlight beside the pool. Accompanying their laughter are two drinks. Once I'm done, I'll join them.

Not long after, I join them with my own drink.
Tirpitz - Ah! Kommandant!
- Having fun you two?
Bismarck - We're discussing tonight's... | They both drift off.
- Tonight's gaming session. Got a plan for that siren facility? | Their faces light up, beaming with joy.

Bismarck - Once we're in... we'd like to collect the data available there. 
Tirpitz - It will massively help us!
- I see. Do we know who's the boss?
Bismarck - An Arbiter.
- The actual Arbiter?! | I jump from my beach chair.
Tirpitz - One of her vessels at least. They got some nasty boosts of their own...

Life with Two Mighty Leaders (Azure Lane)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن