Chapter 19: Shifting Attire

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Recent weather, has told us that the season is gradually changing to, the most wonderful time of the year. No, Christmas is still a bit away. 

With this change in weather, there's a guarantee that there'll be a massive discount in adequate clothing.
The girls already noticed yesterday the countdown for the discounts, ranging from 50% all the way to 95% off. It's crazy how far these discounts go.

Moving out of bed, I get caught off-guard by the smell of... cinnamon? Either way, I put on my sweater and spot my women and their riggings in the kitchen.
It doesn't look like a kitchen right now, more like a science lab. With... open packaging all over the counter, some sort of powder covering parts of the space. Finally, the two sharkos are following their wearers' steps cautiously - obviously in order to prevent them getting hurt.

Tirpitz & Bismarck - Guten Morgen, Sonnenschein!
- The sun... isn't even up yet. | The sharks sigh at my reply.
Bismarck - You're the sunshine silly~.
Tirpitz - He just woke up, so it's understandable he isn't functioning at his peak.
- Actually... I was just messing with you two.  | They drop what their doing and pout at me. 
- I love you both~. | I don't this just so I can get out of this alive, no no. I say this because I want them to know it first thing in the morning.

On two stools, reside the sharks, now in sleepy positions - ready for a post-waking up nap.
- Morning you two. | I crouch in front of their stools, patting their sharp-edged heads - this goes for their intelligence and their physical appearance.
Lifting their heads, they wag their tails at me and sit up.

Bismarck - Tirpitz, hand me a spoon please.
Tirpitz - Here you go. What do you need it for? | Bismarck concentrates on her doing, Tirpitz sneaks a peak over her sister's right shoulder - I proceed to do the same with Bismarck's left shoulder.
Bismarck - You're heads heavy~...!
Tirpitz - Ehhhh!? I didn't even rest it~...
- Oh.... | I simply lean on the counter and watch as Bismarck creates coffee art. With the spoon, she traces gently over top layer of foam. Almost burning the Iron Blood emblem onto the brew.

Out of nowhere, Tirpitz sets two more of the very same brews on the table. 
- Did you two wake up before sunrise to make these for us?
Tirpitz - Sure did! We saw it in one of the shop's catalogue pages. 
- I'm amazed... | They freeze. Looking at me.
Bismarck  - Really?!
- I mean it! | Slightly turning red and a struggle to not let their bright smiles show, the girls sit down with me.

- You two looked up clothes today? | I take a sip of their love-infused coffee. With a kick of cinnamon.
Bismarck - We want to. Later though.
Tirpitz - We want to get our chores out of the way first, so we have more time and no pressure.
- I see. Could... you two pick out something for me too, please? | The girls' eyes open wide, not believing their ears.
Bismarck & Tirpitz - We can! We can~!

Pressing on through the day, we get on with our chores as the sun is slowly rising on the horizon.

Bismarck - Kommandant, we might need a bigger order today. | Bismarck returns from upstairs.
- As in, shopping?
Tirpitz - Yep... I was just thinking that too. | Tirpitz sits on the couch, browsing the store's page - few hours before the discounts start.

Closing in on the late afternoon, close to the evening hours - the girls are prepared. Gradually they make a list with clothing items we need: hoodies, pants, pajamas, T-shirts, the list goes on.

Nor far from the discounts' start, we move into our office upstairs. The girls have their sharkos laying on their laps.
Their monitors are filled with information of various clothing items they, presumable, have on their shopping list.

Opening the windows slightly, I enjoy the aggressive outside wind, the trees stripped down of their once-gorgeous and proud leaves. Only the sky is lit up. The sky's lit up?
I get my phone out quickly, checking the weather announcements.... Dangerously dense fog for the next coming days.

Life with Two Mighty Leaders (Azure Lane)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora