Chapter 13: Weathering with Two Partners

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Lately, the weather has been shifting from nice and energetic to comfy and cozy. The latter is our favorite.

Tirpitz - Kommandant, are you still sleepy?
Bismarck - We even put sugar in your Kaffee.
- I'm perfectly fine. Thanks for the brew~. 
Sitting at the kitchen table, the girls wear my hoodies - sipping their coffee while the wind rages outside.

Tirpitz - Last night's show was good. 
Bismarck - Indeed. Kommandant, did you enjoy it?
- Which one? 
Bismarck - The one where you almost fell asleep! Gosh~...
Tirpitz - You liked it, right?
- I did. The tea you two made for me made me super sleepy.

Bismarck - It has herbs in it that aid in having a better sleep.
Tirpitz - Hehehe. That's exactly why we bought it.
They love looking through the app for hours, hearing their chatter regarding different items of vastly different application puts me at ease.

Scratching my neck, I feel my beard growing to a level I don't like. I planned to shave a while ago, but I... was busy... definitely.
- I'll shave quickly. Be right back.
Bismarck & Tirpitz - Can we watch?! | They eagerly stand up, ready to follow me.
- Sure. | It's... as if I have two little curious children.

Preparing my instruments, I look in the mirror - analyzing my growing beard just as two curious warships peak inside the bathroom.
Spreading shaving cream over my chin, throat and cheeks, the girls step beside me - now extremely curious.
Bismarck - Looks like whipped cream.
Tirpitz - It's not sweet, is it? Can we taste it?
- Hold on now, you two~. This stuff is not tasty nor meant to be eaten. 
Bismarck - It looks like it though. 
Tirpitz - Our riggings agree too. 
- Your what? | Looking at my feet, I see two metal sharks staring at me. I sense... danger.

Tirpitz - Komm her, lass Ihn machen~.
Bismarck - Awww. Er hat immer noch angst von euch~. | The girls pat their riggings as if they're afraid of me. It's the other way around~!
Taking a new razor, I begin to trace across my cheeks - with each swipe I feel closer to a new man. 

Washing off excess shaving cream, I wipe my face with a freshly washed towel. Two hands suddenly feel up my face, almost covering my eyes.
- Ehm... Ladies, what are you two doing?
Bismarck - Having fun.
Tirpitz - Want to try too?
- I can image that it must be enjoyable.
Bismarck - Doesn't feel like sandpaper... 
- You make it sound as if I've failed to not shave.
Tirpitz - We actually prefer you like this. 
- Shaved?
Tirpitz & Bismarck - Your jawline, cheeks and throat to not feel like sandpaper!
- Shaved it is. | Sandpaper, huh?

Returning to the kitchen... my Coffee's cold now...
Bismarck - Kommandant, it's cold here...
Tirpitz - Is a window open?
- I feel it too. Is it...?

Checking my phone, the heater is a bit below optimal temperature.
- Here. Set it to something you two like.
Bismarck - 28 is good, right?
Tirpitz - 28 is nice. Maybe a bit too much...
- Wanna try 26?
Bismarck & Tirpitz - Let's do that!
Immediately we hear sounds similar to an immense machine booting up. Followed by a barely noticeable humming.

Moving along with our chores, we start to heat up - getting rid of our hoodies, we launch onto the couches and enjoy the warmth of modern technology.

Heavy thundering and rain - our activities restricted. Not that we mind too much.

My phone goes off suddenly, breaking the serenity of the home with a screaming siren.
Tirpitz & Bismarck - What's that?!
- Please endure... it...

Emergency Weather Alert - Please remain within your homes for the next days

Bismarck - What's wrong, Kommandant? | What do I do...
- Please read this. | I hand them my phone, once the sound went off.
Tirpitz - That means... we can't get food... sweets...
Bismarck - Water... Snacks...
- Electricity to power the fridge and freezer...

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