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Today was 9th of September and tomorrow was my nikah.  Everything was happening in such a hurry and I couldn't wait to become Minahil Shehroz. Today there was no time to waste Areeba and I also had to go and apply the henna and that would take time so we booked it for the night so we could sort everything out and help mama do the last things. We have to form little packets to be distributed after the nikha and in the meantime Mama was ironing her clothes.  After this super boring and long work we also had to cook because we would not stay hungry any longer.  Areeba would sleep with me today so tomorrow we would get ready together, she had brought all her things from us.  "Minahil I remembered that I have to get the earrings, I didn't buy them" said Areeba and I answer" oh no but now isn't it late? indeed no when we go for the henna we will also buy what you are missing".In things and eating it was already 20:00 and in 10 minutes we had an appointment with the astetist.  We immediately left for the salon because if we had been just a little late they would have canceled our appointment.
Minahil: What time is it? 
Arreba: 10:12pm, I'm very tired
Minahil: uff why this moment of henna is always so long
Arreba: Exactly, we finished at the astetist's in an hour. 
Minahil: I'm sleepy and my hands hurt from being like this! 
Arreba: at least you're almost done I still have a lot to do
Minahil: I can't wait to be in my bed to sleep.  It's late too, do you think we'll finish before midnight? 
Arreba: well I don't think look how much I miss it and then you're not done and we still have to get the earrings
Minahil: I don't drive in the dark and then I have henna
Arreba: sure what a useless excuse, you can tell me you want to call Shehroz
Minahil: you and your thoughts, anyway it would be a great idea to call him! 
I could see the mess in the house, even in that mess there was an atmosphere.  Mama had prepared eight or nine baskets with Minahil's things, I could see baskets with clothes, others with heels, others with jewels and still others with sweet fruit and much more.  Dad had the work of decorating the place where the event would take place.  I was also curious to see the place but was more excited to see Minahil.  The day we decided  her dress she was beautiful when she came out of the dressing room.  And then when she was jealous ufff,  I liked her more angry and then her innocence attracted me to her more.  I had fallen in love with her when I saw her at the table for the first time, I had no doubts about mum's choice but to see her sitting like this trying to figure out if I was Shehroz was beautiful and how I slowly saw her become more affectionate and social with me I loved everything about her.  It was late now but i wanted to call her to find out if she was as excited as I was but maybe she was already asleep so I left it, and went to sleep to be ready for tomorrow. 
It was 11.30 pm we had just finished getting the henna applied, we didn't have to wait long because it was also gradually adding.  Before going home we got some earrings, which wasn't easy at all, for Areeba it didn't fit nothing . We walked around more than three shops and finally had decided one after half an hour.  We got home after midnight, mom was awake like it wasn't deep night.  Areeba and I without trying to understand anything we went to sleep.

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