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It was the last month of school.  We already knew almost everything about the exams, now we just had to continue studying.  Everything happened so fast that I didn't have time to think about Ali anymore.  I wanted to enroll in university to continue with my specialization subject, economics. But I don't think these are my mother's intentions.  Since I turned eighteen, she has introduced me to thousands of men.  I don't understand how I will do after I finish the exams since there will be no more excuses.  I know mom does it for my own good, but I don't feel psychologically ready to "bear" a husband.  And also because I don't think I'll get my trust back that quickly, but she didn't know anything about that.  I was just thinking when mom arrived; 
Ayesha: What are you doing?
Minahil: Well nothing special
Ayesha: exams are about to start, start studying even though I know you've already started. 

Minahil: yes sure mom
Ayesha: hope Allah bless you and you achieve your every goal
Minahil: are you here for any reason? 
Ayesha: Yes, I have to tell you about this proposal
And here it was starting again.  How was I going to tell her that I don't want to give anyone hope because I know what it feels like after they break you up and I tried to change the topic. 
Minahil: Mama, after my exams I'd like to go to university
Ayesha: Minahil, you can study as much as you want and where you want but I just want you to get married first. 
Minahil: and you think that after the wedding, I'll be able  to continue studying and if my husband doesn't like it, what will I do, throw away my dream! 
Ayesha: But it won't happen, believe in Allah you will see that everything will go the way you want. 
Minahil: Mama in the end for better or for worse all men want the same things and no one likes their wife to work or to study.
Ayesha: Minahil, no it's not true trust me. You will be happy and satisfied with the choice you make. 
Minahil: but I'm happy even like this!
Ayesha: Isn't there anyone in class or school that you like? 
I felt an emptiness in my head...I didn't know what to answer. 
Minahil: No mama
Ayesha: If there's anything you can tell me, we'll see.
Minahil: No, there is nobody.
Ayesha: Then check this out, he even came to your birthday.
Minahil: Mom I was busy celebrating my day I didn't look at who was around me! 

Ayesha: So watch it now and think about this one, it's not bad. 
After this mama was gone. She had asked me if I liked someone, but now it was too late!  Besides, I'm sure she would have said no.  After a few days I heard my parents talking about my marriage
Ayesha: Our daughter is grown up so we will have to think about something
Muhammad: yes, there are many proposals
Ayesha: yes, our daughter is lucky, too many ladies asked me.
I didn't want to listen any more and went back to the room.  They made me laugh as they were talking about it, they had everything ready in mind but the main subject was missing which was the man.  I called Areeba to explain the situation to her. 
Areeba: heyyy how are you?
Minahil : all right thanks, you? 
Areeba: fine me too
Minahli: top then, I wanted to talk to you about the situation at home
Areeba: let me guess is this another proposal? 

Minahil: yes but that's not all
Areeba: I knew it you see I guessed it! 
Minahil: you always joking, mama was talking to dad who answered yes to everything.
Areeba: so now uncle will talk about it too, you know what this means
Minahil: yes, this matter was getting more serious
Areeba: in fact very serious now your father knows it too. Imagine your dad talking to you about some proposal
Minahil: hahhaha that would be fun but it worries me.  Today I talked to mama of the university and she said that I have to get married first
Areeba: ohh ohh,leave the university for now.  When your mom talks about some boy again tell her "as soon as I finish taking my exams I'll think about it". So at least you'll have peace for a few months.
Minahil: Well I might as well, but what am I going to say after that?
Areeba: for now just say this, we'll think about it later!
Minahil: beh , have you started studying?
Areeba: No, nothing, I'll start slowly, we'll start together so we can do things together and if we don't understand something, at least one of us can explain it to the other.
Minahil: Good idea.  I hope everything  goes well
Areeba: yes, you the best of the class must be afraid
Minahl: It's not just me that's the only good one, you are too!
Areeba: sure but I'm not anxious like you
Minahil: we'll see!

TRYST: Secret Meeting Between Two Lovers जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें