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In the afternoon, we all meet in an outdoor place to celebrate my birthday.  Mom had invited some of her friends, there was mine and Areeba's family.  I wore a very nice traditional red dress with gold details Areeba instead wore a blue dress almost similar to mine.  Everything was so perfect, from the decorations, to the colors, from the food to the tables, from the cake to the stage.  Everything shone and the sunlight made everything better known.  My cake had three tiers and was filled with chocolate just the way I liked it.  The birthday was celebrated for at least four hours and after that Areeba's family joined our house. 
While the parents were talking to each others Areeba and I unwrapped the presents in my room.  While I was opening Areeba he asked me about Ali
Areeba: what did he tell you today? 
Minahil: Well nothing special
Areeba: know you can't tell lies.  You were all pale when you came out
Minahil: Ehh, he gave me the elastic back and even wanted to put it on! 
Areeba: What!  This guy is crazy he doesn't know what he wants... Well at least we will never have him in class again
Minahil: at least that! 
Areeba: You're not sad are you?
Minahil: How could I be sad if I have such a beautiful and nice best friend in class. 
Areeba: well done!  you understand everything.  Well done.
And we started laughing.  After a while, I was unwrapping Mustfa's gift that I had received today in class Areeba stopped me
Areeba: Don't open it!
Minahil: What.. why? 
Areeba: First I want to know why did you go and sit next to him today? 
Minahil: Only and only because I didn't want to go near Ali and it was the only free  seat.  There was no reason behind it and no intention.
Areeba: For someone, the day had gone to the max. 
Minahil: Don't be silly!
Areeba: Yes, of course!  Now open his gift, I'm curious to see it. 
When I opened it we were both amazed it was a romantic book accompanied by a necklace with my name on it.  We looked at each other and then we are concerned.
Minahil: Come on, he gave me a book because he knows I like reading and then a nice piece of jewel
Areeba: romantic book!  But since when did he fall in love with you? 
Minahil: O Allah! don't initiate you again.  If you're so interested why don't you talk to him.
Areeba: No no don't say that again.  Don't you dare.
Minahil: Sure, you see it's annoying. 
We continued with the gifts and finally it was the turn of Areeba's gift.  It was an electronic frame with our photos. It was one of the best things, I immediately inserted the batteries and turned it on.  There were all our photos with colored frames.  I fell in love with it and placed it next to the bed.  Just when we finished unpack  everything Areeba's mom called her, it was time to go home.
Minahil: It was a beautiful day and thank you for making my evening so special.
Areeba: you're welcome, always available for you! 
Minahil: Thank you so much and I hugged her even though I knew she wasn't a girl who likes hugs
Areeba: You're welcome!  and she hugged me back.
I was sitting on the bed and could see the moon outside the window.  I was looking at the full moon and it was like I was talking to him.  "Who made you look at me like that!"  Ali was the one who had reduced me like this!  I didn't understand why he changed emotions from one moment to another.  He told me he didn't want to see me anymore and then he told me if he could put the rubber band on my wrist.  He changed from moment to moment. 
Minahil Minahil! Why she spoke to me like that!  She didn't like me anymore!  But why am I thinking about it now, I don't care about anything... am I trying to convince myself?  No No but I can't get her words out of me "The sun is rasing...farewell my moon!" I'm disappointed yes, but I don't understand why. Minahil is so beautiful, kind and generous but then why did I answer no when she confessed.I was confused and couldn't get out of my head when she entered the calsse this morning.She wore a white sweater with black flared pants and Nikes all complemented by a light white coat.Even though it was March in the morning it was very cold and her whole outfit was so perfect for this season.I remembered the best bit about her, she was also wearing a perfect black veil, i could see her beautiful face and that veil really complemented everything. I could see the anxiety in her eyes when she saw me in calsse and even though she wanted to sit next to me she didn't! And then Mustfa's smile, uff how much I hated it at that moment.But I'm not jealous, so why I'm thinking about her. Who knows how she celebrated her birthday today... Minahil ugh what did you do to me I can't think of anything else! Now we had said goodbye and so I have to stop thinking about her. It will be better for me.

TRYST: Secret Meeting Between Two Lovers Where stories live. Discover now