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It's been 4 months since I finished my exams, Areeba and I had come out of high school with the best grades. The most difficult moment was saying goodbye to all our class mates, we spent our adolescence together and now we had to part ways. Afterwards me and Areeba decided to take a year off from studying so I could somehow convince my mother too.  In these past months, I've heard several boys' names but the only acceptable one seemed to me was Shehroz.  I had just told mama that this was fine, because I had promised her that after the exams I would think about it.  There was no proposal just for me but about 2 weeks ago a lady asked my mum about Areeba.  Mama immediately passed Areeba's mom's number to the lady.  When I explained this to Areeba she wanted to jump out the window. Her reaction, made me laugh and she told me that she now understood how I was feeling.  In all this I didn't understand why people have to stare at girls at parties, because this boy for Areeba had also popped up from my birthday.  Areeba immediately refused, even if her mother was quite convinced. 

This Shehroz's family had come to our house a couple of times just to see and talk.  I had no intention, I even mentioned it to mama, but once she is convinced to do something she wants to finish it! Even though our families had seen each other a couple of times, Shehroz and I only knew each other's names. 

Ayesha: Today we have to go to Shehroz's mom for dinner, so get ready
Minahil: mama you know that I don't care about anything so why do you want to ruin two lives!
Ayesha: I'm doing it for your  good, now it seems strange to you but trust me that after meeting Shehroz you will change your mind.
Minahil: one, he will be like all the other people you have introduced me all these years and two for me the physical aspect doesn't count, he must love only me, only me must be in his heart and I must not be afraid to lose it.
I am not aware of it when I said all this and I hear my mother caressing my cheek saying to me; 
Ayesha: It will be like this!  Don't worry and now go get ready I've ironed your clothes. 

I had no choice, I was forced to go. At dinner time we were in front of a large villa illuminated by night lamps.  Shehroz's mother welcomed us with love and we were taken to the living room.  His mother asked me several questions about studying, about what I wanted to do and what I was going to do next study.  She seemed kind and loving.  After that, dinner was served, i didn't understand where Shehroz lived, i haven't seen him since I came here and now it was already time for dinner but he wasn't here yet.  As we all started to eat dinner I heard a heavy confident voice say; "sorry for the delay, here I am now".  I looked up and was, I think Shehroz, he was wearing a black suit, he had nice muscles and the same cut that all the boys have.  I heard his mom say "here you are coming love, join us for dinner" While we were having dinner I was staring at him because I didn't understand if it was him or not while he was concentrated on eating. After dinner parents told me that we could talk to ourselves to get to know each other and that I would find Shehroz outside. I glanced at mom to say no but she really didn't calculate me. 

I didn't move from my seat because I wasn't even sure if he was Shehroz since  my mother had told me that maybe he also had a brother.  And then I didn't know the house and how I could get around.  His mother sent someone to call Shehroz and after a few seconds the young gentleman was here ready to take me out.  His mother had added that tea would be served outside for the two of us.

To tell the truth I didn't want to go outside also because I didn't want to talk to him but above all I'm afraid of the dark and even if there were lights it was still night.  We were outside in silence and strangely I wasn't embarrassed I was calm.  And I saw that he took the first step; 
Shehroz: They haven't told me much about you...should you have finished your studies? 
Minahil: yes, I just finished it and what do you do?
Shehroz: well I manage  my own company
Minahil: ohh well

Silence broke when tea was served, although I didn't drink it but at the time it seemed like the only thing that could make me feel good. 
Minahil: What about something else? 
Shehroz: well nothing
Minahil: So can I go inside? 
Shehroz: I won't eat you, tell me a little about yourself.  I saw you staring at me during dinner. 
Minahil: No no no it was just because I didn't know if it was you or not...
Shehroz: Who else was it supposed to be? 
Minahil: I don't know but I thought it was your brother
Shehroz: Minahil I am an only child.
At that moment I felt great embarrassment and perhaps I had even turned red.
Shehroz: Never mind, you don't need to blush like that.

Silence returned between us and finally after a while we had to go home.  As I was going inside to get my things he said "it was nice to meet you" but I didn't want to give any answer and just gave a small smile. Back home, it was already midnight, I received thousands of messages from Areeba who was wanting to know how the night went.  First I changed my clothes and got comfortable and I saw that even though it was midnight she called me.
Areeba: So tell me how did it go? 
Minahil: Well pretty good, you know that I don't intend for these things but I was forced to and so I had to go.

Areeba: Stop being boring and tell me how your future man is? 
Minahil: Future man?  are you crazy or are you doing it on purpose to annoy me. 
Areeba: Yes your husband, and now tell me what happened at dinner. 
Minahil: At first I didn't know if it was him or not because I thought it was his brother and he told me he was an only child. After dinner we talked a little but nothing special. 
Areeba: You really made that impression, how can you say that he was his brother if he doesn't have anyone
Minahil: I don't know I thought! 
Areeba:  only this, how boring you are Minahil... tell me what's he appearance? 
Minahil: he's a normal guy who manages  his own company
Areeba: oh my goodness what does he look like i want to know Minahil, please stop and tell me what I'm asking
Minahil: Well then..he was a tall, young, muscular and handsome guy.  He had a wonderful voice that could relax you a lot and what else should I tell you
Areeba: ah here finally you told me how you feel
Minahil: Areeba you are just crazy I just described him to you and that's it.
Areeba: love is born slowly my friend!
Minahil: I will kill you Areeba.  Dinner went like this and now I'm tired so I'm going to sleep
Areeba: sure, sleep! sleep and dream Shehroz, please! 
Minahil: Give yourself a break!  And bye, you've bored me enough for today. 
Areeba: Goodbye and good night
Minahil: Night!

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