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Today is the fifth day that I have not been to school.  For all these days I had a high fever continuously but today i  felt better than the other days. Areeba didn't give me any news about the school all these days and since i was home for a while, she wants to visit me today.  As for Ali, I was quite recovering, I tried my best to get his thoughts out of my head.  Not everything can be done quickly so I gave myself time to recover.  Mom was cooking something for Areeba and me, so I went to help her a bit.  The morning flew by  doing things and finally my dear friend arrived in the afternoon.  We went to my room and after a while my mother served us what was prepared.
Ayesha: Are you okay? After a long time you came to visit us
Areeba: Yes everything is fine thanks, since Minahil was absent from school for a while, I worried about her.  And here I am now! 
Ayesha: You did well. So she also recovers a bit.
After this mama was gone and that's what Areeba was waiting for.
Areeba: How sweet your mom.  Now I have to tell you many things.
Minahil: yes it was the moment I was waiting for. 
Areeba: In class everyone asked me about you and many times.  Ali on the other side was happy with friends as if nothing had happened! 
Minahil: I'm happy!
Areeba: All the teachers one by one every day asked me if you were okay,  after a while I even got tired of this question. 
Minahil: How sweet, they care about me.
Areeba: ah from  care I remembered Mustfa.  In these days he was looking for you a lot in the calsse I really think that someone is missing you! 
Minahil: Shut up!  I don't want to hear anything about him. 
Areeba: Why do you have to throw your anger on Mustfa? He is so sweet and especially with you. 
Minahil: Areeba! When Mustfa comes to find out that I liked his best friend, he will be upset, and then I'm not interested in
Areeba: So you noticed it too? 
Minahil: I'm not blind or deaf I still see and hear well! 
Areeba: Of course normal people are never good for you! You always find people like Ali
Minahil: what can i do
Areeba: Minahil it's okey to be there for other, but you never have to live yourself behind!
Minahil: Thanks for everything you've done for me and thanks also for this bunch of flowers you brought me! 
Areeba: You saw!  they are really beautiful.
Evening had come quickly so Areeba has to go home and I have to get ready for tomorrow. 
I couldn't close my eyes, nothing had changed for Ali!  It was just me who was disappointed for him.  I went to my desk which was in front of the window and took the first sheet i could find to write on.
I'm letting you go because living with the constant thought of you destroys me.  I fell in love with you without even realizing it.  I fell in love with your perfect smile, and your beautiful eyes when looking at you I could see mine.  I'm letting you go because I know you don't see me the way I see you with my eyes.  And yes I won't admit it, but I miss you, even if I pretend I don't give a damn about you anymore, but I'm trying to move on. I'm letting you go because every night you come back to me and I cry more and more.  I will never forget the tears I held back as I watched you, and you were happy with your friends.  I will never forget the nights I spent crying for you.  Right now I don't talk to Areeba or to my diary so often about you anymore and I don't talk about you in my school essays anymore.  I'm letting you go because I can't feel bad like this anymore; if only we could talk to each other I would ask you to see us one last time to tell you how I really feel for you even if you already know it, and I would like to write to you.  But I won't, I'm waiting for you to, even though I know you won't.  Despite everything I have always believed in us, and even if I'm letting you go I still hope for a message from you, i just need an "oi, how are you?".  Right now I have tears in my eyes that I'm trying to hold back because I know if I cry right now I'd totally collapse.
I can't trust anyone anymore.  But despite all the bad I've felt I wish you the best, and I hope you're happy, and if ever one day you need a hand I'll be there for you, because in the end, for better or for worse, there will always be a little bit of you in me.

With tears in my eyes I looked up to see out the window.  A strong storm was about to come, the sky was full of gray and black clouds, there was a strong wind but i could still see a few stars.  While I was staring at the few stars that gave some light to the sky I  see a big cloud covering it and suddenly it started to rain.  I had never liked the rain, I was a person who loved summer but today I could see how every drop that fell relaxed me.  While watching the rain I could feel the wind in my body as the window was half open.  Everything was so relaxing until the thunder started, that scared me.  I wanted to see the weather for a while but it was getting worse so I immediately closed the window and pulled down the shutter .  It was 3:52 and before going to sleep I preferred to pray.

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