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I was on my way to reach the school, i was almost there, i just had to go down the stairs, enter the hall to reach the classmates. Before reaching the class I had to go to the teachers' room.  The literature teacher wanted to talk to me.  I was a little anxious, and I was thinking why did she have to call me? I was doing very well in her subject. When I entered, I saw the teacher waiting for me.
Teacher: Hi Minahil! 
Minahil: Good morning, did you want to talk to me? 
Teacher: Yes, I wanted to know if you had the notes of this last period. 
Minahli: Sure!  Shall I pass them to you right away?
Teacher: Yes thanks, they are for a student, he will print them and then give them back.
Minahil: It's okey as she prefers!
Teacher: You and Ali.... is there something?
Minahil: Hm....
Teacher: I have seen so many students in my career years so I recognize right away if there is something like that! 
Minahil: Well Teacher, yes there is something, I also confessed and we'll see what he replies.
Teacher: See I knew it!  Good luck! 
When I entered in the classroom I saw Ali, he was sitting in his usual place next to me.  I could see he was wearing a white collared sweater, paired with some black pants and Jordans and all paired with a North Face jacket.  I immediately went to take a seat which was at the back of the classroom.  As I walked I heard Mustfa say to me "Good morning beauty", I didn't even turn around to return the greeting, and reached my seat. 
Ali: Good morning
Minahli: Good morning!
This was the only conversation we had in the morning.  After a while the school assistant told us that the teacher would not be there so we had 2 hours free.  We were all thinking of going to the bar for breakfast to while away at least an hour.  Today was Friday so for us school lasted only 3 hours which were practically all free having the last hour of physical education.  The day had flown by and we had done nothing, I was just waiting for Ali to say something to me but nothing he just didn't speak to me. Areeba and I were getting ready to go home and I finally heard Ali tell me "you can wait 2 minutes outside I want to talk to you" I just nodded my head. 
Minahil: Areeba, Areeba, I can't calm down, I feel my heart pounding! 
Areeba: Be calm, I can see you are shaking, relax!
I wanted to continue talking to her but the bell had rang and that meant Ali was waiting for me. 
Ali: I wanted to talk to you about that day
Minahil: yes tell me
Ali: I wanted to tell you that I'm already engaged. 
As soon as I heard this, I no longer felt anything, it was as if I was paralyzed for a few seconds. Ali continued saying; 
Ali: but we will always be friends.  Yes, I never said it in class but I'm engaged.  And then to tell the truth, I didn't expect this from you, that how, could you love me?! 
Minahil: A-aa yeah okay...Okay. 
With this I went and saw Areeba following me. 
Areeba: Minahil heiii don't worry, he's a fool, he doesn't deserve you!
Minahil: No-n no, don't say that.  I can't force anyone to love me!  And then it's okay, don't worry, on the contrary  thanks for advising me to talk to him.  Now I have to go see you tomorrow my friend! 
I'm in my room it's evening, I haven't talked to anyone all day.  The words kept spinning in my mind "I'm already engaged" "we will always be friends".  He has NEVER loved me, not even for a few seconds, he has never felt nothing  for me and will never feel anything!  How was this possible! how was it possible I no longer understand anything.  I was broken, I was left alone again but this time it was my fault I knew everything about him so why I trusted him.  The only thing I wanted to do was go back in time and stop the me of the past, I wanted to tell her: look at me and admire yourself properly.  If you try to love him he will bring you back to this condition!  Minahil another time you will find yourself in that room crying alone and it is not pleasant so throw this feeling away.  IT'S JUST A TRAP!
I knew this story was going to end like this.  I was sure that Ali is not a reliable person.  Poor Minahil, even if she didn't show it she was destroyed she was very upset.  Ali's words hurt her a lot and I could see but I couldn't do anything.  I'm so sorry for my friend.  Do I try to call her?  No, it's late and then she didn't even answer my messages ... Well, at least I'll try.
I called so many times but she had her phone switched off and it worried me so much I hope Minahil you are well. 
Minahil was upset when I told her I was already in a relationship.  I could see her disappointed and it made me laugh a lot!  How nice when a person loves you and you are already in love and happy in your life.  I want to see her tomorrow, I want to see how she looks in class.

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