peeling to perfection

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Summery: mikey is getting very serious impulsive thoughts and he acts on one and doesn't know how this can effect him permanently

Ok so I think I liked this idea too much and there most likely will be a part 2 but don't worry I'm working on a request rn and just wanted to get something short out for you guys.


Mikeys pov:

I was on my solo mission walking along the roof, the plan was see what I can find during the krang destruction and bring it to donnie Easy enough right? Taking a deep breath as the cold air hits my face I look over the ledge and my breathing takes a stop and this soft feeling of dread washes over my now dizzy head looking down at the soft leds that lit up the city blow. Jump the shock of the soft voice in my head was enough to continue my breathing but it continued with a struggle as I imagine myself dead on the pavement shell cracked in a disgusting way.

I close my eyes as shivers go threw my body, it was just a thought everyone had intrusive thoughts, but....this "thought" was almost luring I could feel my body sway a bit forward while I was still on the edge. Brushing it off I do a uber cool flip into the area that was blocked of as I looked for glowy stuff for Don.

With a hand full of robot stuff I walk threw side roads and alleys, looking for a sewer drain, my footing stopped as a brighg white cat meowing at me took my full attention "AWWWWWWW" I squeal dropping everything to pet the pretty kitty. Stroking it's ruff fur my ear starts to ring, my breath stops, and somehow I can feel my eyes dilate, kill it, break its neck, stomp on it, stab it,...........smash it,"

The next thing I notice is the cats breath starts to slow down as blood from its body seeps into his white fur and my line of sight was now at my hands but they weren't empty......they had bright blood on them with small hairs from the poor DID I DO. I silently yelled at myself holding back vomit but letting tears in gulf my face why......AM I CRAZY.

Running for my life as if I was a murderer....well I am I'm a cat murderer! Still running as blood is still spilling itself onto my hands and I feel liquid rushing to the side of my face I wasn't sure if it was tears or blood. Jumping into the manhole I run to the lair as my foot steps echo threw the tunnel as I can sense my brothers worry still far.

"Hey mikey w-" but before leo could get a word in I push past him and into the bathroom slamming the door ignoring my families cries and looking at myself in the mirror. I have crazy suspicion on me now, I don't have any krang stuff with me and I'm sure there's some blood on the floor out there witch they definitely noticed "Mikey are you hurt whats wrong!" Donnie cried strangle him "NO!" I scream cupping my hands on my mouth causing blood to smear on my face.

It caused a chain reaction and I vomited trying to clean my face and hands. I could hear my brothers say something to me about letting them know if I'm hurt and to get them eminently or whatever. I decided to talk about my thoughts to donnie obviously that can't be normal I probably got brain damage from the krang air or something but something about it made me feel more guilty the fact I could have pulled away as fast as I did it.

Knowing at Donnies door I enter with my hands behind my back "Mikey? are you ok" he gets up eminently and starts moving my body to check for injuries " Don" he sighs and sits back in the chair "what happened out there? Did you get any parts?" He asked looking at my hands and back. I walk over to him and pull him into a hug hurt NO I mentally screamed at myself hugging him tighter "Mikey what happened" donnie says placing a soft hand on my head.

"I.....killed it" he pulled me away with his hands on my shoulders looking me in my wide teary eyes "I.....killed it donnie I killed it...." I say a little below a whisper shaking "what-" I grab onto my brothers hands tightly violently shaking "I KILLED THE CAT I HAD IT IN MY HANDS AND...AND I WANTED TO HURT IT SO I DID ITS DEAD I-I SMASHED IT ON THE PAVEMENT I COULDN'T HELP IT IM A MONSTER" I scream irrationally violently crying not even knowing if he understood what I just said.

After that we had a talk about intrusive thoughts and impulsiveness he gave me a new sketch book to draw my violent thoughts and suggested that I use raphs punching bag or a pillow to take out impulsives. We where both in the kitchen as he read a book and I cooked, chopping some carrots April so kindly brought us leo walks in "Hey Donnie, mikey how are you" my brain stops and my grip on the knife strengthens "g-ood" I muttered as my teeth grated together. Luckily donnie noticed and got up quickly leading to my room with my sketch book.

"What was that about?"

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