it worked...i guess.

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Summery: mikey decided to upgrade his weapon a lil


"GAH" I said falling to the ground fighting tiger claw yet again he grabbed my nunchuks in the middle of my attack "not fair!" I say falling to the ground again god do I hate when they do that, it was so irritating when they did that! Mabey just mabey I should upgrade them to do something that will prevent that then I tried before like idk adding lube on them but that never really worked. The fight was looking a bit rough one tiger claw kicked leo into the wall and kinda hurt his shell "leo!" I say rushing to his aid and I swung my nunchuks at him but yet again he grabbed them and pulls me into the ground "oh come ON!".

After a long fight we went back to the layer and put leo in Donnies lab "man you suck at those nunchuks" raph says quietly and walks away "mabey you should train more with sensai" Donnie followed up with raphs comment leaving me and a sleeping leo in the lab "mabey I can do something to this" I go grab tools and start construction. I may be energetic but I'm not dumb I knew some things, after nit picking at my new invention I pressed a hidden button and I bunch of little jagged knifes came out, I was thinking of it like a type of cactus where the needle digs in your skin making it excruciating to pull out.

I laughed silently to myself mabey it was time for a little blood this was perfect but mabey I was losing my patients a little but that's ok he hurt my brother,. I walked out the lab with my new invention it still looked the same but just worked differently "you where in there for a while" Donnie says suspicious yea yea I was just worried about leo is all" I say rushing to my room to see the final project imagining the pain that the enemy's will get scares me, but all I could do is laugh to myself all this time of them using my weapon agent me now they will pay.

"Tiger claw again we just can't get a break hu-" raph complains pulling out his weapons leo was all better now and was ready to fight and so was Donnie and I was so excited to test out this baby "come at me turtles" he says while we run towards him we fought and fought and now I think it was time to test this baby out "HAY KITTY OVER HERE" I yell he looks back ad I throw my weapon as expected he grabbed it but as unexpected.



I look into his eyes as he screams in horror "MIKEY WHAT IS THAT" leo says backing up a little not to get splashed by the dripping blood "just an upgrade" I say pulling the nunchuks not causing him to jult towards me but to "ha...ha...hahah...haha..HAHAHA!!" I laughed like a crazy person I pull the nunchuks closer to me and retract the blades causing the hand to fall to the ground "mikey what......what did you do." Donnie says looking at me.

"I made it work"

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