this house is a broken home

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Summery: for short this au is about splinter being abusive and mikey just can't take it anymore

Lil graphic 🤭

Mikeys pov

I felt sick or worried when everyone was in the kitchen having a good time eating pizza. Why? You might ask it's cause he new, my father new I was eating and he knows I know what's gonna happen "leo I never released there where so many bruises on your legs" that made the room cold me an my brothers air froze for a moment "yea don't worry April I've just been putting in extra work" he put a smile on his face and that was that.

It was around midnight when splinter entered my room "Michelangelo" he was gonna make me do it I didn't want to it hurt alot "sensei pleas please" I cried as he dragged me into the bathroom "do it!" He screams at me while making me hover my head over the toilet I didn't want to but I couldn't relive last time I refused. I lifted my shaking hand down my throat gaging and gaging until hot bruning liquid convoluted out my mouth, hot tears pouring from my eyes I've haven't even noticed that sensei left until Donnie sat down with me and pulled me into a hug whilst we where both crying into each other's arms "shshsh it's ok mikey it's ok"
he gave me a glass of water and took me to bed.

I wake up to sobbing coming from the dojo I knew it was leo, splinter hitting his legs so hard and beating his for the sake of "training" he does the same to raph punishing him for his rightfully triggerd anger. One time when we where 13 he pushed raph so hard he threw up on the floor "Gah!" I hear leo hiss at the pain with hot tears running down his face "Leonardo I hope this is not how you plan on acting when your brothers are getting KILLED because you. Aren't. Strong enough!" Splinter hissed venom at leo smacking him "no sensei" he snuffed standing straight "get out of my sight" leo walked out past me and to his room.

With Donnie it was more mental abuse he would stand over him and criticize everything about him "your not strong enough" or "you will never be good enough you and your fancy robots will get us no where" or even "I can't believe you're my son" this really hurt Donnie and it made him really self-conscious about himself I try to help him the best I can but it never goes far.

We where in the bathroom again I couldn't take it I just couldn't "NO" I yell shoving the rat back he smacks me hard but I kick him in his stomach "I CANT DO THIS ANYMORE GET AWAY FROM ME AND MY BROTHERS IM DO TIERD OF FIGHTING YOUR WAR I CANT I HATE YOU I HATE YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU" I scream yelling and running out the bathroom scared to look back. To my surprise my brothers were standing by the tunnel waiting for me so they can run out of this hell house.

The cold air hitting my face as we run going the only place we know where to go "I'm sorry......I ruined everything" the moment of silence was cold but sweet "no mikey you did something very brave and something we all were too scared to do" leo looked towards me with a teary-eyed smile "we are so proud of you" Donnie chimed in "you helped all of us" raph smiled at me with tears rolling down his face. We entered Aprils house I can only understand her reaction with all 4 brothers crying and most of them with big bruises.

"What the shell happened to you guys?" I couldn't talk I didn't want to so walked to her bed and sat down and just started at the floor "I'll tell you later" I closed my eyes and feeling the warmth of my brothers cuddling each other whilst being exhausted "don't call splinter don't pleas please" I begged half-assed then I passed out.

There will be a part 2 I'm so tired and no mikey will not be getting a break 😘.

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