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Summery: casey doesn't have the best dad and once he takes it way to far everything goes down hill.

Just got my phone back cause I lost it for a few days 🤭

Caseys pov

I was at the turtles lair we where laughing and eating pizza it was chill until I got a call from my dad, he never calls me, didn't even know he had my number everyone went silent as I walk away a little to pick up my phone "hello?" I spoke trying to calm down my nerves "get your ass home I gotta show you sum" his voice echoes in my head as tears threatened to fall because I was that scared. Did he finally decide he wanted to kick me out? Am I gonna get hurt? "Yes sir" I say hanging up and walking back to the turtles "who was that" mikey asks shoving another pizza in his face.

"My dad he wants to show me something" I say slowly grabbing my things "you call ya pops sir?" Raph chuckled a little "didn't know you could be so...respectful" Donnie chimed in obviously trying to make me mad "yea, well I wouldn't if I had a choice" rolling my eyes I leav the lair slowly walking home.

I entered the rusty apartment and befor I got my keys out to open the door I calm myself down and walked in. There was my dad sitting on the couch not looking at me staring dead into the TV "hello" I say standing straight up not to show any weakness or fear like I was face to face with a rabid dog, he didn't say anything not.a.single.word when he placed the heavy revolver on the table.

My heart began to punch my ribcage I've seen a the freaky looking lazor guns with the turtles, but something about a real one something about one in my father's possession. I began to sweat and my mouth is like a dessert "this gun will be placed right here and it will stay here and will not be touched" he says with his tone being sharp enough to go threw my head. I bite down on my toung to prevent me from passing out "do you understand jones".

I flinch at those words but quickly replied "yes" he gets up from his spot on the couch he walks towards me towering over me as I can feel his breath on my neck. He grabs the back of my neck digging into the sensitive spots causing me to close my eyes in pain "DO YOU UNDERSTAND" he screams in my ear as I flinch trying to keep my composure "y-yes sir" I cursed myself for stuttering, he let's me go and I run upstairs.

Checking my phone I had a text from April "what did your dad have to show you?" it read "a gun" with that I  put my phone away and drifted off to sleep. I awoke to my dad screaming at me to get out the house pretty normal honestly, he makes me leave in sum early mornings so he can screw some hoe he found on the streets it was really early tho about 4:56. I grab my jacket and shoes and rushed outside.

Walking on the sidewalk watching cars pass by I went to a rooftop and just laid there drifting to sleep "what the shell are you doing up here cas" I open my eyes a little to see leo still to tierd to really acknowledge him I slured out my words " meh out" I could hear a sigh come from the turtle "ok Jones get up" he lifted me up putting my arms over his shell "Let's go".

I woke up in the layer with a tiered April and the turts around me "dudes" I growled sitting up "so what where you saying? Your dad kicked you out?" Leo questioned me "oh um he does that just for a small amount of time" I stretched "at 4:00 in the morning" raph bickered in disbelief "yea it's not the first time chill" I rubbed my eyes and checked my phone.

20 text messages from dad it said I stare at my phone almost in tears oh god oh god oh god. I open the messages to see that they all where threats.

4:59 I'm gonna kjsll u

5:00 where r u

5:03 ym gonna hjty u

5:13 I hupe you die

5:16 judt lik3 uour mom

5:19 u fukn hore

5:24 howr

And the list goes on I can tell that he's drunk and me not being there to be his punching bag is making it worse but what made my heart drop is that there was a blurry picture of what seems to be a gun. I got up and ran out the sewers ignoring the calls of my friends.

When I got to the apartment there was already cop cars and tape everywhere "what did you do" I whisper to myself I go to a secluded entrance to the building when I heard April "don't go in there cas" I turn to face red and see the turtles not far behind watching "what i-" I was cut of by loud gun shots comeing from the building, I couldn't let his get hurt but it sounded like it was to late. Running into the building I seen my neighbors door open but befor I could take a step inside a cop stoped me "watch it son, turn around slowly" I put my hands up and turned my body slowly "CAS-"

My eyes widen to see April look in terror but not at me at someone behind me, I turned and ducked to see my drunk dad charging at me as a cop pulled the trigger on him. Everything went in slow motion April reaching her hand out to me, my dad's eyes filled with rage as blood seeps threw his shirt, and a cop before I could react April pulls me away and we are now outside running in the sewers and back into the layer.

The turtles weren't far behind and was there when I fell to the floor sobbing "April are you ok what happened?" Donnie yelled but quickly shut his gaped tooth mouth when he saw me "I think we should give him time to relax" leo said and I was put into a group hug.

After a while I was still crying but a little less, I put my hands on my head tugging at my hair "where am I gonna go, how am I gonna find a job, what about school" I said curling
Into myself "casey what happened" raph said putting a hand on my back "my dad he...he's CRAZY I don't know he got a gun got drunk and and I don't know!" I yelled speaking harshly tugging my hair and leaning into a hug.

Mikey turned the TV on flipping threw channels "mikey I don't think now-" Donnie was cut of by a new reporter "today at apartment complex C a tragic shooting occurred involving 34 year old
Arnold Jones killing a family of 5" everyone was silent everything after that was a hushed sound my breath hitched a bit and I passed out.

(Got lazy)

A week past since the incident and I was living with the turtles and working at a pizza place, ironic isn't it? Walking into the layer with a bright smile with pizzas in hand sitting at a table "its nice to have you give us free pizza cas" leo smiled at me "yall where paying for the pizza?" I asked looking honestly confused "well yea we-" Donnie looked towards raph "we paid for all our pizzas righ raph" raph with half a pizza in his mouth "we paid for all our pizzas?" He said grabbing another slice "without a question mark!"

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