part 2

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Mikeys pov (dream)

I woke up in a strange dark empty space, wow is this my head? I always thought it would be way more colorful than this. Walking around the room I find grass somehow, one side was bright green flowers and bees while the other half the grass was gray everything about it was gray but the flowers were dead and wilted it was...pretty I guess? I loved the lifeless state it was in for some reason I walk along that path and I began to feel so weak so so weak that it was almost relaxing to say the least but then I started to bleed from my wrist how was that happening-? I stood still looking at the fountain of blood gushing out it was so so relaxing its like I finally get to rest after years and years of fighting nonstop, I didn't even notice the pain until I closed my eyes it was a throbing pain threw out my entire body but I guess it was more like a massage is this what dieing feels like? If so I want to die every day if that makes sense I take one more breath.

(End of dream)

I wake up feel more lively sadly missing the relaxation. I sight getting up limping out my room since Dee gave me a boot so I can walk around without crutches like leo. "HAY yooo" I scream walking into the kitchen happy seeing my brothers "hay buddy how are you doing" leo says comeing up to me "I'm fine, how's Donnie doing?" He looks away towards raph then back at me "we should talk" at first i was worried for my bro but after Donnie came out and gave me a hug, wow something was realyyy wrong "your not in trouble we just want to help" help help with what? Mabey it has something to do with my injuries. As we all walked to the couch they sat me down "I feel fine? What going on did I lose half my lungs or something?" I ask giving a small chuckle but as you can tell with such a sad house it was not reciprocated raph puts his hand on my knee looking into my eyes, ok something is not ok "mikey....after the accident what was going on threw your head when you woke how you where feeling mentally?" Leo said with a hushed voice "umm I was feeling lonely I guess, I wanted to see you guys! Oh and I was thinking what I should cook for dinner witch we didn't have apparently so I guess hungry" all truths I jokingly glare at Donnie, raph sighed and stood up "see I told ya there's nothing wrong wit him" did they think something was wrong with me? "Do you guys think there's something wrong with me? Mabey it's cause I didn't get to eat DINER" Donnie looks a bit frustrating and was almost in tears, Leo put his arm around Donnie while I was more confused than ever "mikey that's not normal" his breath starts to shake "not normal to be hungry?" I tilted my head sideways but quickly flinch back when Dee quickly stood up "no no mikey it's not normal just be "ok" with almost dying and-..and the fact you aren't scared you''re so happy.....why" well what else was I supposed to feel mabey sad that my relaxation was gone or something ".....I don't know Dee deth isn't really something I fear....I mean I kinda find it relaxing almost I mean sure I would be upset if one of you died but at least I'll know how calm and pleasant deth can be" i say with an awkward chuckle they all started at me with a shoked and tarified look I knew what I said was a shoker but I was telling the truth. Theg run up and hug me tightly "oh Otōto" raph said with a shakey and horsed voice.

After that day I felt WAY more relaxed we had more brakes and even April and casey visits more "so mikster how are you feeling?" Casey asked walking up behind me "I'm doing great cas why do you ask?" I turn to him with a bright smile he returned back a small one but then lowers his face "so....when you were did you feel when we bright you back" this question felt unreal I wasn't suicidal not at all I just wouldn't mind it if I died "w-what cas I was never suicidal I just didn't really mind if I was in a forever relaxation....I wasn't trying to kill myself" I say tilting my head he gives me a hug and a smile and walked off, gotta love casey.

End tehe.

mikey-one shots/ angstजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें