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Summery: as a child his brothers and father didn't really care for him, with his father being depressed because of becoming a rat and his brothers having sticks up there @sses they lock mikey in his dark room when he's "hard to deal with" after the spore fear thingy


Mikeys pov

"Guyyyys I'm boreddd" I yell out to my brothers in the living room as they where trying to find something to eat, papa hasn't gone out recently and when I asked he lashed out at me so I tried helping out my brothers "well you can make yourself useful for once and clean up" leo bombarded me as he pointed to the toys I found in the sewers that where now all over the flood "mmm ok!" I say running to the pile to start cleaning but I much rather play.

I put about half of the toys back but I got distracted by an extra spatially one "ow mikeyyyy" raph growled as he stepped on a sharp part of a toy I left out "I'm gonna-!" He says walking towards me and grabbing the back of my bandana tight, he was cut of by Donnie "raph stop just....I don't know lock him in his room" but my room was dark and scary! "NO please raphie it's dawrk" almost in tears he drags me to my room while I begged. He thew me in the dark room and locked the door "PLEASE raph I'll be good I'll be quite I'll clean up please please please let me out" I say choking on sobs.

Present time

Mikeys pov

They did that till we where 14 and by then master splinter started to get better and actually start taking care of us. When we turn 15 you know the hole krang and shredder thing all that stuff, we don't speak of it now but I'm sure they would do it again if they had the chance because of this I couldn't really be alone in a room for too long.

But I never realized how much it affected me till now when our biggest fears where revealed.

It was dark and cold "hello?" I said as my body feels a shiver from my bare feet hit the cold cement floor "helllooooo?" It was too quiet until I saw a light comeing from a slightly open door. I run to the door blbut befor I could open it I was shoved back in the dark room "he-!" But before I could speak a familiar figure apered on the other side it was leo " im NOT letting you out of this room untill you learn how to behave!" His voice echoes threw the empty room he slams the door shut and a loud sound of a lock traveled threw my ears.

All of a sudden I was 12 again 13 mabey I wasn't sure "leo please let me out!" Yelling I fall to my knees infront of the door banging and pulling the handle "pleas LEO I'll be good PLEASE" breathing heavily and every noise is now 50x louder "IM SORRY PLEASE LET ME OUT!" I see red marks form on my hands as I sob my eyes out "LEO!" I pulled the door one more time and the floor dissappear from under me and I fall.

Blinking rapidly I open my blurry eyes to see raphs back to me and the only light source was the piles of trash on fire behind me now I was sertant that I was 13 I couldn't forget this memory even if I tried "raph" I choke out in a sob, he turned quickly looking into my eyes with anger "you IDIOT look what you did! Now we're gonna starve!" He takes a step the fire grows making the back of my head sweat "i....i-" we where bothe breathing heavily now. "I told you to stay I TOLD YOU TO STAY BUT YOU NEVER LISTENED" befor I could even blink he punches me in the face as I fall to the ground "no-no I wanted to help" I slured out as he clenched my face foreheads touching my nose was bleeding and my face was burning "i....I cant" he says pushing me to the ground.

He turns his back again and he walks off....NO "no raph PLEAS I need you" falling on all fours sticking my hand out "RAPH" but he never turned back.....sobbing on the floor almost throwing up.

"Mikey" I hear April's voice as I snap out of my daze I forgot we where in the dojo as my brothers told there side of the story and there fears for some kind of practice that master splinter suggested "you've been thinking the entire time it's your turn shell for brains" I look up at my family with a blank expression "i...hate you" I start breathing heavily again as I look around the room faster "god i-I HATE all of you i-i HATE YOU SPLINTER I HATE YOH RAPHAEL I HATE YOU LEONARDO I HATE YOU DONATELLO I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU" grabbing my head putting my head in my knees.

"WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME" sobbing hard my brothers pull me into a hug "Guys I think I know what his nightmare was" Donnie whisper to them and they all knew they all knew what they did and they STILL didn't apologize till now "mikey you have no idea how sorry we are we...we never meant to hurt you like that" raph said pulling my head into his neck "well you did and- and your only sorry cause you got caught!" I push them all off me "you'd all do it again if you had the chance so here let me help!".

I run to my room and lock the door

They don't love me

(Didn't really know what to do with the ending but I didn't want to leave you guys hanging 😭)

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