im tired

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Summery: mikey is so tired of his brothers including himself getting hurt.

A/n: also so sorry for not posting yesterday I just wasn't up to it but here ya go 😋😅

"Gah Donnie it hurts.." Leo matters while we where all running from these new types of enemies and oh god could I not take it almost every day we are just running and running from these...theses things! We ran from the ally back to the layer raph had some reopening cuts Donnie was struggling to see cause ther was blood in his eye from hitting it off of the ground and I wasn't doing so well ether but that wasn't the point! The point was is the we shouldn't be running away anymore.

While we where in donnies lab I looked over to leo my brother who was badly hurt because of those things I mean seeing my brother in this state made me think....they always try killing us why can't we? I noticed that all my brothers including me would kinda hold back a bit fighting the enemys but why? I thought right before hitting the final blow we always would continue whatever was next and it gave me a itchy feeling like it wasn't really over "mikey?" Raph said causing me to snap out my thoughts I look to turn to him "yea?" I say quietly looking at him slowly "you ok you looked quite zoned out" he said I looked at him then back at leo staring back at me "hey I'm ok if that-" leo said holding his hand out to hold my hand but I cut him of and back away into my room silently "I'm fine I was just thinking..."

Mabey next time.....I shouldn't hold back.

After a few days leo has fully recovered and was able to go out on patrol tonight I was a little quiet today thinking about what I would do if they showed up again "hay are you ok you've been a little quiet since the thing with leo" Donnie said to me I just wanted to make them pay or at least stand our ground and not show them that we're weak "yea i-" I cut myself of looking towards the loud back comeing from an ally and there they where "Guys mabey we should retreat-" Leo states backing up...NO I'm done running away and with that thought I moved from building to building as my brothers chase after me yelling my name we land infront of the humanoid monsters "mikey you are SO grounded what the shell is WRONG WITH YOU!"

I face my brothers then look back at the monsters ready to attack...."I'm just.........tired" I say lunging at them drawing my blades from my nunchuks and slicing ones head off I could see the fear in my brothers face as mine was covered in red blood I turn back to them and..


All I could hear was the sound of my blade as I repeatedly shanked the monster in the stomach on the floor with short in and out motions but then I snapped out of my thoughts and stand up to see the very bloody mess in the ally I turn to my brothers in horror for what I've just done I fall to the floor but slowly all my brothers pull me into a warm hug "I..I'm sorry I was just tired of..of running and and" I said in between sobs.

"We know mikey we know"...

mikey-one shots/ angstDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora