Chapt. 7 ~ Dark Thoughts

Start from the beginning

Why are you even alive? 

Mute's eyes widened before she shook her head violently to forget what just went through her mind. She covered her ears and grabbed her scalp as she brought her knees closer to her chest. 'No. I have to.' She shook her head again and opened her eyes. 'Just not right now...' She told herself before returning home to her friend. 

Mute had returned home much later within the night and plopped down on her bed. She didn't bother to change her clothes. She was too mentally exhausted to move her body. All she wanted to do was rest for the night. Her eyelids slowly closed before she had drifted off into a short slumber. 

Miko walked into her room and sat on her bed, and gently began to stroke the top of her head. "I wonder what has gotten into you, Mute. You have been acting so differently lately..." She worried for her friend. But she knew that Mute wasn't going to tell her. Only when the time was right. 


So dark. 



Mute opened her eyes and kept them wide. 'What was that?' She never had that happen before. Her thoughts wouldn't usually go that far. 'I fell asleep?' She saw the brightness in her room. It was morning already. How could she have fallen asleep? 

Mute rubbed her eyes and stretched her arms in the air. Mute was alone in the house today. Miko was nowhere to be found in the house, but a note was left for her. 

"I'll be out into town. I tried to wake you but you looked so peaceful in your sleep so I thought I should leave you alone. I won't be out too long. Your breakfast is waiting for you. Do try to eat something. - Miko." 

The note read. Mute glanced over at the dining room and saw a plate of freshly made food sitting on a plate. 'She knows I don't like to sleep...' Mute sighed and walked over to the dining room table and grabbed the piece of bread off the plate before stuffing it inside her mouth. 'I should end this quickly then.' And back on the hunt she went. 

Mute returned to the village in a matter of minutes. She checked the Barrymore Mansion to find nobody there but Henry Barrymore. But no sign of the Ciel, Sebastian, or the other servants. If they weren't in the house, then where could they have gone? Did they leave so soon? 

Mute shook her head at the possibilities and continued her search. Eventually she found her target at the lake. Angela was sitting underneath an umbrella with Tanaka. Finnian, Bardroy, and Mey-Rin were splashing around in the water. And Ciel and Sebastian were at shore. Mute kept her eyes on Sebastian as he began to walk away from his Young Master. 

She followed him close behind while making sure she wouldn't give her presence away. It was just the two of them now. All alone together again. She could finish him off here and now. And she planned to. 

Mute slowly creeped up behind the butler as he continued to walk to wherever he was going. Her eyes slowly widened with determination as she got closer and closer towards him. She slowly raised her hand and her nails slowly turned razor sharp. Just as she was about to strike, Sebastian disappeared from her sight, causing her to blink in surprise. 

So quickly Sebastian was right behind her. Before Mute could react, Sebastian held one of her wrists tightly behind her back as his other arm draped around her neck in a chokehold. Mute shut her eyes and grunted from the sudden speed. She tried to struggle, but his grip was tight and firm. 

Mute was grunting in pain as she struggled to get out of Sebastian's grip. What happened next surprised Mute. Sebastian released her from his tight hold, turned her around to face him, and hugged her tightly. A crimson blush began to creep onto Mute's cheeks as her eyes widened. That sensation again...



She didn't want to feel this. Not again. Mute shut her eyes and tried to push Sebastian away from her, but it was no use. His embrace was too tight. He barely budged. 'No!' She panicked. 

"Shhhh. There, there... My sweet." Sebastian smirked with his eyes glowing a pinkish demonic color. He couldn't help but embrace her tightly. Finally, he had her in his grasp once again.


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