you befriended him during your initial days of college ...... as friendly personality seokjin had ...... you both ended up becoming cafe buddies 

you never told him the name of your 'crush' just named Namjoon as 'crush' whenever you talked about him to seokjin 

seokjin said he also had a brother in the same college as yours, but never bothered to tell you his name 

seokjin was your main adviser in such topics .... he was way older than you .... and had experience with his girlfriend 

"Hmmm....  I also think he was doing the same...... as you described me "

"Maybe he really didn't want a good girl like you to be in bad company "

"I Know right!" you chirped and clapped 

when a person lives in a delusional world ...... they lie to themselves 

like you lied to yourself ...... that Namjoon had feelings for you 

This was your delusional world 

You were so swept away in your delusional world .... that anything .... literally anything Namjoon did ... even the smallest gesture ....

It convinced you ... more and more that Namjoon has 'feelings' for you 

when he stood for you .... because Teacher was scolding you for your wrong answer 

you were convinced 

when he caught you by your waist because you were about to fall 

you were convinced 

when he ate lunch with you .... because none of his 'friends ' were present that day 

You were convinced!

you were so convinced that Namjoon had feelings for you that ...... confessing him seem easier to you 

Then what?

that day also came ...... when you decided to confess ...

"Y/n .... are you sure about this?" Jackson had a wearily expression

It was the night of prom .... when you finally collected courage to make the first move ...

To You .... Namjoon is a very shy person .... he has feelings for you .... maybe he is shying away ....

you saw him laugh when you talked 

you saw him smiling, when you diverted your eyes from him...

he is just a reserve person .... who needs a light push to express himself 

"Yes... Jax ...... I'm very sure ... about this ... today I am confessing to Namjoon ..." you smiled and adjusted your earrings .... which were reflecting the light ...

you swirled prettily and smiled widely admiring your dress

It had a combination of black and purple .... favorite colors of Namjoon 

"Fine ... I'm happy if you are happy ...."  Jackson smiled and hugged you tightly 

you entered the prom hall with nervousness coating your features ....

 heavy music was blasting in your ears .... You saw various groups of students dancing and having chats around the hall ...

Jackson held your hand and smiled assuring ....

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