Yunho nodded, before closing the door after him. If Mingi wasn't sick and he hadn't stayed up playing video games, then why hadn't he slept? Shooting a worried look at the closed door, Yunho sighed. He would have to keep a closer eye on Mingi and find out.

*           *           *           *           *

Hongjoong let out an impatient huff of air, as Mingi finally stumbled into the living room, still adjusting his clothes.

"You took over 20 minutes, Mingi," he snapped, glancing at his watch. "You are on strike one."

Mingi flushed at being scolded, although the other members were nowhere in sight. He guessed they were probably already out in the car. He bowed his head in apology, hoping to ease the leader's anger. 

"I am sorry, hyung. It won't happen again."

"I rather nope not," Hongjoong mumbled beneath his breath, as he instinctively moved forward to help Mingi clip on a bracelet he was struggling with. He sucked in a deep breath and let it out again, before raising his eyes to look up into Mingi's face. The younger member had large dark circle under his eyes, and his lids hung heavily over his eyes, as though struggling to keep them open.

"Is there something going on, Mingi?" He asked gently, wishing now that he had asked this before being so abrupt with him. When Mingi blushed and shook his head, Hongjoong frowned. "Mingi, if you are not feeling well, I can arrange for you to stay home. We have quite a busy schedule today, so I don't want you overdoing yourself. Is it your back? Is it bothering you?"

Mingi shook his head. "No, hyung. I...I just couldn't sleep last night."

Hongjoong's gaze rested on him for a moment longer. Mingi was someone who was very precious to all the members. They all poured their love upon him every chance they got, whether they were older or younger. And after Mingi's hiatus, they made sure to be extra generous with that love. They all worried about him, to the point Hongjoong had begun to hope that their worries were not burdensome to him. But Mingi was not one to open up. He always tried to keep his cheerful confident persona. And this was what made the members worry the most. They worried they would never know until it was too late.

Hongjoong sighed again, before patting his arm and pushing him gently to the door. "If you ever want to talk about it, you know I am here. But as the group's captain, I have to be firm with you. You are on strike one, so please don't be late again."

Mingi nodded, as he walked ahead to the waiting van. The matz hyungs had always had the 3 strike system. Basically, it was three warnings you received for a repeated offense. If you chose to ignore those warnings and you ended up with three strikes, you were in serious trouble. Mingi was understanding though. This was his second time being late, so he was fortunate not to be on strike two already. 
He opened the van door, trying to avoid eye contact with the members as he brushed past them to get to the back seat. Jongho patted the seat beside him, and Mingi gratefully collapsed onto it. The maknae hugged his arm, and leaned against his shoulder. It made Mingi feel warm and secure. He smiled down at the maknae fondly, before gently tousling his hair. Jongho just leaned against him closer. His smile widening, Mingi rested his head against his, and soon fell asleep.

But all too soon, the van arrived at the company building. Jongho shook Mingi awake, laughing as Mingi blinked sleepily up at him. In the end, he had to take his hyung's hand and physically pull him out the car and into the building. Once inside, Hongjoong turned to his members.

"I am not joining you at practice today. The due date for the song I am producing is at the end of the week, so I need to hurry and complete it. You guys can go to the practice room." He went to go then paused. "Oh, and Seonghwa, EDEN-hyung said he wanted to see you in an hour as he is going to help you learn a bit more about producing again."

8-Teez Makes Chaos (spanking fic)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя