Chapter 6: It's Strange

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Chapter 6.

Something was odd. Very Odd.

As I spend all my afternoons visiting Greg as much as I can, I've noticed some things. Where is Greg's family besides his little brother, Niall? It couldn't be possible that they didn't care either. Greg's parents would've been at least worried about their child in a coma, especially since Greg's condition seems to have gotten worse.

My thoughts were then interrupted because of an incoming call. The screen is popping up with Leah's picture.


"Hey, Bridget! Kelly throwing a party tonight, and I want you to come," Leah said. Another party, oh, boy. Parties were officially the last thing that I want to attend after last time. It was like I was traumatized by experiencing something similar again. Well, I hope that I can get over it at some point.

"Sorry I don't want to go tonight."

"Hey. What's with you?" she asked. Her tone is sounding a bit mean. I knew that she was reaching her breaking point with me. I then heard a sigh over the phone and a few rush movements. "You're with that guy again?"

"That guy has a name, and its Greg, and yes, I'm visiting him." I can already see Leah pulling her phone away from her and pretending to vomit. I knew because she was sending a bitchy vibe from the phone. Standing up from the chair, I walked to the end of the room and forced a smile. "Sorry. I can't exactly leave him."

"Yeah," Leah grumbled, "but I think you should know that it's okay to leave that environment."

"I'll be fine," I replied. My eyes are glancing back at Greg, and I tugged on my sleeve. Was Leah picking up the fact that I hate the hospitals? Of course, she would. She's been with me since kindergarten. "Anyway," I looked at the clock inside the room," shouldn't you be getting ready?"

"Shoot, you're right! Bye, Bridget!" Leah rushed. The phone ended shortly, and I was once again in the room with only the sounds of machines running. It was about time that I should leave anyway before visiting hours ends. Somehow I was feeling bad for Greg; Niall hasn't come to visit him at all since the other day.

"You have a weird family Greg."

The door opened, and the room's atmosphere seems to darken. It was oblivious to know that the younger Horan had arrived and was in a bad mood today. Beautiful blue eyes connected with my plain brown ones, almost making me forget that Niall Horan wasn't an angel for a second.

"Why can't you understand that he doesn't need you?"

"I don't get why you care about my presence," I replied. My arms crossed before I muttered. "Besides, it's not like you're here worried about him."

"I'm here now," Niall snapped. He walked over to his brother's side and stared at him. His face is then softening for a split second.

"Where's the rest of your family?" I asked. Niall's hand turned into a fist, and he had his back towards me. I hit a soft spot for him. "Forget that. I want to know what's keeping you busy from seeing your brother."

"I'm just busy." Niall's answer sounded forced. It was like he didn't want to go into any more detail afterward. I stood in silence, trying to figure him out as his eyes glanced down on my seat, where I left my diary. The corner of his lips lifting. "Oh. What's this?"

"Don't you dare," I rushed. My first reaction was to grab my diary away from his reach and glare at him. "Haven't you heard about privacy?"

"Funny that you say it," he chuckled. I crossed my arms and pursed my lips tight.

"I seriously don't see what's more important than your brother." I brought the topic again.

"What I do with my brother isn't your concern," Niall replied. You're entirely a dick. I always wanted a sibling of my own. Was this the cold reality of a person not caring for his family?

"Word of advice; cherish your time with him," I spoke again. My voice is turning softer. "You never know when he might be gone."

"What are you trying to get at?" Niall asked. His cold blue eyes are staring down at me and causing me to shiver. I was truly frightened by Niall right now. "Are you saying that he's weak enough to die right now?"

"I'm not I-"

"Or you trying to relate yourself with your mother?" Niall interrupted me. His body close enough to me now. I placed my hands up in defensive, close enough for them to touch his chest. Everything in my body kept telling me that I should run now.

"Why are you so heartless?" I whisper—the back of my throat burning. An amused smile then formed on Niall's face, and he stepped back. Shit. I quickly rushed to grab my belongings and made my way to the door—a cold hand wrapping themselves around my wrist.

"I'm warning you. I don't want you here anymore."

"Is it so bad that I care?" I snapped. Pulling away from my wrist from his touch, I turned around and glared at him. "Your brother's recovery is important to me."

"I know," Niall snarled. His hands are turning to fists, and he kept them to his side. "And it's annoying. My brother only needs me and not some annoying kid."

Weren't we close in age?

Forget that! Niall Horan sounds like he has some weird brother complex. Did he only want his brother for himself? I tilted my head in confusion and crossed my arms together, trying to understand what's going on.

"Why are you so stubborn in admitting that you love him?" I said out loud. "Also, that you're scared too."

"Who are you to -"

"You're keeping your emotions lock-up, aren't you?"

It was silent for a moment until a burst of expected laughter echoed through the room. Expect it didn't sound genuine at all.

"You're stupid," Niall spoke. My back suddenly touched the wall, and Niall had me pinned by my wrist. "I'm guessing your mother didn't teach you that you shouldn't be too alone with a boy."

"Let. Me. Go."

"Are you scared of me?" Niall asked. Something in his eyes sparkled, and his hold tightened. Involuntary, I felt myself shaking under his touch. He did scare me. I was just too stubborn to admit it. The blonde bloke leaned in close; his lips inches away from mine.

"You'll be surprised on what I can do," He spoke with confidence. His lips are then touching the corner of my lips, and I let out a small gasp. My legs lost all strength, and I pushed all my body weight on him. I couldn't believe this; I let him win this battle.

"Hello," a new voice called from outside the door before a nurse walked in. She was a tall woman with a wavy blonde hair tie in a ponytail. Her eyes are showing all hints that she was tired. Niall quickly let me go, and I leaned against the wall again. I was even scared to walk out. The nurse looked between us and showed off a kind smile. "I'm sorry but visiting hours are over."

"I can't believe this," Niall sighed. Huh? Niall's tone of voice quickly changed from dangerous to kind. "My work kept me from coming earlier."

"Oh, my," the nurse warmed up to him. Hey lady, I wouldn't be kind to him. He intends to be a two-faced person.

"Is it possible that I can stay for a few more minutes?"

"Of course," the nurse agreed. Her eyes were then connecting with mine. "But the kind lady has to leave."

"I understand." I grabbed my purse and didn't look twice back at Niall before leaving the room. My hand then touch the corner of my lips where he had kissed, and I wiped it; the thought of him touching me was revolting. Geez, I bet any other girl would love to be in my position.

But again, I felt that something was extraordinary.

And it all has to do with Niall Horan.

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