Chapter 3: Promises

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Chapter 3: Promises

The world kept going on as the clock kept clicking. Inside the hospital, I watched the doctors and nurses walk up and down the halls with incoming patients. The sight of blood, pain, and loss of hope was something I used to see for the past four hours. It wasn't precisely lovely to watch.

"I'm going to get coffee," Liam announced. All of us looked up from the floor and nodded. We were too tired from speaking. "Does anyone want anything?"

"Tea would be nice," Louis mumble. His eyes halfway close. Harry was the next to speak but was cut off from a scream further down the hallway. Liam's body turned around, and his brown eyes narrowed towards the hall with his fist on his side. Why the sudden change? My hands clenched around the handle of the chair, and the door swings open. Two doctors ran down the hall with fear in their eyes.

"It smells like death here," Niall commented. His eyes fully close with his body lean across the wall. The first four buttons of the shirts were undone, and I can fully see his chest hair.

"They're taking too long to give us any information on Greg," I mutter. Niall's eyes then shot open. The atmosphere is turning tense in a short second.

"You don't have to waste your valuable time here." My hand-formed into a fist, and I locked eyes with Niall. He held the same look of hatred. I can never understand why he was acting like this. Maybe it's because his brother was here and we had no news, but he shouldn't take it on me. I did my best to help Greg.

"Sorry for caring for your brother."

"Why you little-"

"Do you want coffee too?" Liam interrupted Niall. How nice of him. His brown eyes stared down at me, and I shook my head. Sugar was the last thing I needed right now, with my heart already accelerating faster than what my usual rate was for a girl with ADHD. I'm sure that I was about to have a heart attack if this kept going on.

"I'm going to look for someone," I sighed. Kai's mother was supposed to enter at this time for her shift. She was a nurse for the children downstairs. To be exact, Mrs. Zhang was my nurse when I was diagnosed with ADHD at the age of eight. I met Kai from her when he was running around the hospital with his underwear on his head. It was horrific.

"I'm here." An olive skin, black hair, skinny male panted at the entrance of the waiting room. He walked towards Niall and patted his shoulder. The blonde boy is almost flinching at his touch. Nobody noticed it, but I surely did. "How's Greg?"

"No news from him," I spoke. The man then turned around to face me, and his eyebrows furrowed together. My face is heating up suddenly. He wasn't talking to me: I sure know how to embarrass myself.

"Zayn, I want you to meet Bridget Meyer," Harry intrude. The olive skin boy's lips parted open, speechless to say anything. Was there something on my face? His eyes traveled down my dress, and my face turned a dark crimson color. Of course, I had Greg's blood on me.

"Nice to meet you," he spoke. British too. It was summer already, and I'm sure that they were probably here for a vacation. "Um, why exactly are you here?"

"Don't waste your breath on her. She's a stupid girl," Niall commented. A quick glare sent in my direction. I was about to speak, my heart clenching tight that caused me to stop. Harry was the first to notice and get up. His fingers pressed against my neck, and my eyes widen slightly.

"I have been noticing your breathing was becoming short for a while. Even strange that it sounded like you were running a marathon," Harry said. His green eyes locked with mine. I swallowed hard and nodded. Liam was back by now and held two cups with him.

"What's going on?" He questioned Harry. The boy is rushing to my side and handing Louis' tea. This was too much.

"I'm okay. The hospital has this effect," I breathed. Both boys then were pushed to the side, and Niall stood in front of me. I then took a sharp intake of breath and watched as the blue-eye boy placed his hand behind my neck. What was he doing? My heart pounded faster into my chest, and I fidgeted around my seat. Niall's eyes widen slightly, and his lips curve up to a smirk.

"Heart beating faster than a average person, short breath, and you're sweating like a pig while moving around every little second. Bridget Meyer, my; you have ADHD" What? How can he figure it out so quickly? Niall hasty pulled his touch away and wiped his hand on his jeans. The smirk of his face fading when he noticed that a doctor had entered the waiting room.

"Family of Greg Horan?"

"That be him," Louis answered. His small index finger pointing towards Niall.

"My brother better had been dead and brought back alive if this is the reason why you all took long," Niall sneered. His hand curl into a fist. Liam's body jolted, and he grabbed the blonde hair boy.

"Sorry for the wait." The doctor squirmed in place and looked down on his clipboard. "I like to inform you that Greg Horan is alive."

Thank goodness. I could breathe, and my heart rate started to calm itself.

"But, there was a slip up after the surgery."

Slip up?

"I thought you said that he was alive." Niall's teeth gritted together. The doctor nodded, and fear was written in his eyes. I didn't blame him: Niall was intimating.

"Yes, but he slips into a coma afterward," the doctor explained. Slipped into a coma. This was a cruel joke, right? "It can take hours, days, months, even years. We'll be lucky if he doesn't die in his sleep with the injuries that he has right now."

"He can't die," I exclaimed. The doctor turned towards me, and a small smile formed his face.

"You must be Bridget? Greg said something before he enters into a coma," The doctor said. What? All five boys were confused, and the doctor looked at his clipboard. "Oh, yes. He said the exact words 'Tell Bridget to keep her promise.' I'm assuming it's something important."

"What promise?" Niall asked. My eyes widen slightly, and I backed off to the wall. Niall following me. How can I explain that the promise was about him? That I was supposed to control him. I didn't exactly know how to do it now.

"That's something between her and your brother," Zayn intrude. "And you should respect that, Niall."

"I don't trust her," Niall exclaimed. "Her innocent is deceiving, and I know it."

I looked where the doctor once stood and noticed that he must have scammed. Shouldn't he be here to talk about Greg's condition? My hand reached towards my necklace, and I locked eyes with Niall.

"Don't put your anger towards me. I did nothing but try to save your brother from dying. The people that placed Greg into a coma are the fault in this situation, not me." I placed both of my hands against Niall's chest and pushed him away. His body trembling back a few steps, and I made my escape.

"Do you need a ride home," Liam asked. I shook my head and grabbed my purse from the seat.

"No. I'll grab a taxi from outside," I answered. My eyes not leaving Niall's. "And by the way, I'm sure you're going to see a lot from me until Greg opens his eyes again."

"My brother doesn't need you."

"Ask him when he wakes up," I sneered. Both Harry and Liam grabbed hold of the now angry Niall, and I turned around to walk down the hallway. I can hear Niall's constant cursing as I walked towards the exit of the hospital. Many things were running through my mind, and I'm sure that I had one thing clear.

My promise to Greg was vital for him.

Original Version: Niall didn't notice Bridget's ADHD in this chapter, and he didn't touch her either since he deeply despised her. Greg had said nothing before he slipped into a coma. Bridget's promise was never mentioned either.

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