Chapter 4: News

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Chapter 4: News

I can't exactly think about anything in particular. My mind kept going back to Greg, his brother, the other guys, and even my friends that I left behind. As I stay in the quiet taxi in six in the morning, I noticed that the silence was comforting from hearing pained screams in the hospital. I was sure that I was about to snapped if I had stay there any longer. Blue, white, and red sirens soon reflected inside the car, and I looked towards my right to see policemen were surrounded the crime scene. It's been hours since the incident, I had thought the investigation would've been over.

I can clearly remember the untrustworthy glances that I had received when I was questioned earlier. Scared and confused, I was quiet about everything. I couldn't understand the situation myself either. What had happened was that I was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

"We're here," the taxi driver grumbled. His eyes looked at me through the rear mirror, and I pulled out my money. He shook his head and smiled. "You had a tough night miss. So don't worry about it."

" Thank you," I responded. Was the look of being miserable clear in my face? I got out of the car and headed towards my small house. A little weight lifted off my shoulder when I reached the front porch. Tears were running down my cheeks, and it was until now that I noticed that I was so scared and miserable. As I tried to pull out my keys, I also noticed that my stain cover hands were shaking so badly. "Why?" I questioned myself. Why did tonight happen? I was supposed to have a fun night tonight. It wasn't supposed to be like this.

"Honey." I looked up to see my father had opened the door already. He was dressing in his usual blue robe with his hair sticking in different directions and large frame glasses covering his blue eyes. I was too distracted to had noticed that he had opened the door. His worry eyes made me realized that I was lucky that it wasn't me that was hurt tonight. What would've happened if I had switched place with Greg? More tears welled up in my eyes, and I moved closer to my father. My arms quickly wrapped around his waist, and I cried harder.

That was probably the first time that I had cried since my mother passed away.

My father didn't question me that night. He stood in silence and hugged me back. His eyes widen in fear when he saw my dress covered in blood, and when he wanted to ask, I knew that he didn't want to pressure me to anything. Instead, he went into his study and made a phone call; I probably knew it was towards the small connections that he had with the police department or hospital.

"I won't forget that you came home late," My dad spoke. We were in the attic where stacks of boxes were inside. His large hands patted my head, and he smiled. "So now you got to rearranged the stuff."

"Most of this isn't even valuable," I responded. "I knew that he collected newspapers since my mother passed away; I guess that it was his weird way of recovering. As my father left, I opened a box and looked inside the outdated newspapers. Theses were only dated about a year ago.


It was the first newspaper headline that I had seen. The headline brought a few memories back from a year ago. It was the same time that my cheerleading champion was taking place too. The girl that was talked about had died in a horrible car accident. She was barely recognized when she was founded. Many proclaimed that it was something else than a car accident. The investigation of it was never precise and the case vanished at some point.

What was her name? It had to be Jenna from what I can remember.

I then set aside the newspapers, and my eyes widened when I noticed a printed picture. Five smiling boys were a feature, and it almost seemed like they were different people too. It again clicked together when I saw the headline.


I had no idea at the time, but those five model-like boys were famous at one point. They were close to dominating the world from what I remember. It just happened one day when they vanished from the music industry. Almost like they never had existed in the first place.

I looked at the picture of Niall and noticed his eyes that seemed so warm. Now it was only so cold that can shiver down in anybody's spine. This boy, I didn't know anything about, was supposed to be every girl's fantasy of a nice guy.

What had happened to him?

I shouldn't be so curious about him and also about his four other friends, although I can't help feeling this way.

"One Direction," I repeated the name out loud. "Who are you guys exactly?"

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