Chapter 7: Talk About Cruelty

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Chapter 7: Talk About Cruelty (NOW EDIT)

"Boys and their obsession with cars are unbelievable,'' I mumbled. Walking home with oil and what can be rust on my clothes, I realized that I was done with Kai Zhang. The usual energetic Japanese boy had wanted to hang out today. By 'hanging out,' he meant that I would help him fix Wanda, his rusty-old car. Why the name? He names it after his first love, which happened to be his babysitter when he was ten.


An annoying ringtone interrupted my quiet walk home, and I pulled out my phone. I need to get Leah away from my phone when she's intoxicated; her choice of ringtone was Hamster Dance this time. Fantastic.

Incoming call: Home.

My eyes must be playing tricks on me. There was no way that I should be receiving a call from home. My dad was away for a law case that he was working on; I even got a message about his whereabouts like an hour ago. He was supposed to be five hours away from here.

The phone call ended shortly. I looked down on my contacts and furrowed my eyebrows.

"Okay," I mumble as I pressed the call
button, "don't tell me that my dad is pulling a prank on me now."

The phone dial, and then I was met with my father's voice.

"Hello, you've reached Meyer's residence please leave a-"

Very funny. My dad sure loves to pull his stupid pranks on me. I ran my hand through my hair and continue to walk down the street; Turning to the corner to see my house almost see five homes away. The whole neighbor seems to be mostly empty since the mayor was holding one of her famous balls. Something the mayor would almost do every month and invited only essential families like the ones around my area.

I reached my home and felt something odd with my door almost open. My phone beeped, I jumped in anticipation and pulled out the device to see a message from my father.

I hope you love the present that I left in your room.

I'm guessing that's where my surprise would be located. He was seriously easy to read. Although for a lawyer, my dad should know that it's dangerous to leave the door open. Unbelievable. I then walked in and brought my hand on the light switch.

"Are you kidding me?" Did my dad seriously forget to pay the electric bill? A lawyer with no electricity in his house. Classic. I then pulled out my phone and started to use it for a flashlight. Running upstairs, I rushed into my room and stopped of my once perfect bedroom.

My eye twitched a bit, and I looked at the mess in my room: papers, furniture, and clothes were on the ground. Someone's here. Goosebumps formed in my arm when I knew my unfortunate situation and how incredibly stupid I was right now.

About to reach for my arm, I felt a hand around my waist, and the sound from my lips was muffled. I struggled and tried to move around my house; the unknown person was not letting go quickly.

"Be quiet," a soft voice spoke in my ear. This voice. It was the same one from last time in the alley. Don't tell me that he's here to finish me off now. My body was then lifted from the floor, and he closed the door to my room. "I freaking warned you last time to walk away."

"Mmhm!" I yelled in his hand. I couldn't even see the person's face; the darkness in my room kept me away from seeing him. The tall, hooded man removed his hand from mine and sighed.

"It makes my job difficult to kill someone."


The door opens, and two other people came inside my room with masks covering their features. My legs turned weak, and I was finally taking in the situation in front of me. There were three people alone with me, and I could come out of this either barely alive or dead. The person that held me earlier step in front of the others, his hand on top of the other men's chest.

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