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Here it comes, the long echoed scream of people in the stadium.

"One Direction! One Direction!"

Their energy made it seem impossible to breathe and able to take in the scene. I took a step back and waved goodbye. A huge smile was on my face like always, and I was satisfied with the walk towards the dressing room. Tonight was exceptional; I, mean my four friends and I had officially played a fantastic show at Madison Square Garden. It's been one of our life dreams to get here. Now that the goal was accomplished, I wondered what our next step is in my group.

"That was amazing, but the screaming was louder than usual," Louis Tomlinson said. His natural wavy brown hair was now disheveled, and he was removing his spenders. I couldn't agree more with him; our fans were louder than usual. They knew what this show meant for us, of course. I felt his arm around my shoulder, and the short lad pulled me closer to him. A huge grin on his face. "I bet Jenna can scream louder, though."

A quick smack was sent behind Louis' head, and we both turned to face Harry Styles, the one with the curls. Well, I'm sure there's more to him from the curls, but he's well known for that. I sent him a small smile before Louis snapped.

"Hey!" Louis glared at Harry. His small hand is now rubbing the spot where Harry had hit him. "Why'd you do that for?"

"Don't forget that I'm Jenna's best friend," Harry commented. Louis only rolled his eyes and continued his way towards the dressing room. I can hear his small rant as he passed by me. Harry's green eyes met mine, and he smiled. "And you, I'm sure Jenna would appreciate if you defended her too."

"Of course, I'm her boyfriend." I'm quite jealous of Harry for his ability to be brave. It was stupid since Jenna and I been dating for the past five months. She was Harry's best friend, and I was glad that he introduced us two. My phone then went off, and I looked at the alarm to see that I should get ready to head out to New York with Jenna. Its almost been a month since I last saw her, and it was such a relief to now spend time with her.

"Okay, boys, let's just get ready to have a happy night," I said. They all nodded and headed back to the dressing room. I noticed that security guards were running around as if something big was happening. Hopefully, it wasn't anything too big. We reached our dressing room and started to change out of our clothes. I stopped and saw a newspaper on the table. I instantly knew it was for Harry since he grew an interest in reading newspapers around the world, even if it's in a completely different language. "Harry, your newspaper is here."

"Oh, just hand it to me, mate,'' he said. I nodded and grabbed the newspaper from the table to hand it to him. Something then caught hold of my attention and looked at it for a few moments. "Niall?"

"Uh yeah, sorry it's just there's been another car accident in New York for the second time this time," I said. The boys frowned, and I passed the paper to Harry. It was crazy in New York, especially with the roads. I looked at the ground and noticed an envelope. It had my name written on it with messy cursive as someone was in a rush to write it.

I then grabbed it and opened as I made my way across the room to the couch. It must have been a letter from one of the fans tonight at the concert. I opened it with a massive smile on my face and started to read it. My smile quickly faded, and my hands began to tremble.

"Niall, are you alright?,'' Zayn asked. I couldn't bring myself to speak, and I kept re-reading the letter. Millions of things ran through my mind, and I couldn't believe it. The door opened, and Paul ran in, and I heard him sniff.

"Niall,'' his voice cracked. I slowly bought my eyes away from my paper and a tear already running down. It can't be right. Paul placed a hand on my shoulder, and I flinch away from his touch. " Niall Jenna is.. she is-"

"What happened to Jenna?'' Harry said. He came near Paul and waited for the answer. Paul only cried a bit more and had a hard time speaking. I knew that my world was crashing down, and Harry looked at me. I gripped on the letter and wiped my tear from my eye.

"She's dead."

"What? No, it's a sick joke!"

"He's ... telling the truth,'' Paul said. Harry covered his mouth, and tears suddenly came out. He turned to the wall and punched it as he started to scream. All the boys suddenly came to hug him and tried to keep him calm. I closed my eyes and started to break down as I kept gripping onto the letter.

The letter from the murderer of my beloved, Jenna.

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