Carly Yobadasado Part II

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Hi. So it's been 1 week since that Annabele came and guess what? She is now enrolled at our school! Ugh! But I don't worry to much. I have a plan.

"Hey, Mark? Ya I'm going to need you..."

OK. I have everything ready and in place. Percy and Annabarf were at the Cow Cafe (hehehe) drinking some type of drink that was... blue!? Anyway, my plan was to have Max or whatever his name, was to go up to Annabelle, act insecure, take Percy aside, and then him he saw Annie kissing another guy. Percy would be heartbroken , break up with Anne and then come running to me. What? No it's not mean. I'm doing it for my own well-deserved happiness. Ugh you people are just soooo selfish sometimes. Ooh, wait. I see Mathew going inside the Cafe. Operation Cobra is starting. ( if anyone know where i got operation cobra from, you are awesome).

"Umm... hi," Mason said, "Percy, I was wondering if I could talk to you for a minute, but if you don't have time, that's totally fine."

Man this guy is good.

"Uh, sure Mark," replied Percy, glancing at Beth-Anne who was just as confused as he was. I quietly crept in and sat at a table so I could hear what Marcus was saying.

"Is that your girlfriend, Annebeth?" he asked. No her name isn't Annabeth its Ana!

"Ya, why?" Percy prodded.

"Well this morning, I saw her and another boy kissing,"

Percy stared at him in confusion for a couple more seconds.

Here it comes, I thought, Here comes the tears. But I didn't get what I was expecting.

"HAHAHAHAHA- ANNABETH- HAHAHAHAHA-CHEATING-HAHAHAHAHA-ON-HAHAHAHAHA-ME!!!!!!!!!!!! That was very hilarious,good job Mark," he said casually, then walked back to his table. He and Anny got up and left the building. Guess I will never brake up them, I just want someone to love me as much as they love each other. Suddenly, Mark came u pro me and asked

"Hey, you wanna go get some coffee sometime?

Awww, happy ending. Thanks for reading, love you, and Bye!

-Daughter of Poseidon

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