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3rd person pov:

The raven stared at the mirror, observing every crease and fold on his clothes as he tried to decide which shirt suited him best. His hair was a disheveled and sweaty mess, with stray strands sticking out at odd ends and the musty smell of sweat lingered in the air. He was currently in the midst of preparing his clothes for his date night after a ruthless training session, and each ticking second was setting a heavy anticipation in his heart. He was a nervous wreck, and he has yet to finish his preparations for his clothes before heading off to the showers, changing into his outter wear and setting off on his date.

He would have rather gone through that torturous training session thrice than to prepare for a date but unfortunately, it needs to be done.

Rewinding back by three hours, the raven had received the news that the demonic bastards - which had once tortured him - had been captured and slaughtered. He was ecstatic when he heard of the resounding information, since the idea of being caught by the hands of those beast once again caused him distraught, and everything clicked into place when he was granted the knowledge. He used to fine it weird how busy his lover was since he heard from the others that there were periods of time where the workload was quite little, but it seems like the wind hashira was out to catch the perpetrators of his pain.
It was a heartwarming and touching act which he loved, holding it close to his heart so that he would never forget such a kindful act.

With that being said, our dear protagonist is in yet another stressful situation - the brain wrecking preparations for his date.

"Kocho! Do you have some spare male clothes you could lend me?" The ravenette shouted in the corridors.

"I think so? I accidentally ordered this unisex shirt which is too big for me" a female replied, turning her head to face the raven with a warm smile, "you should go bath first, I'll help you prepare your clothes"

"You won't do anything weird right?"

"No, unless you want me to but I'll save that for another day, so hurry along now. You shouldn't keep him waiting"

"Thanks kocho!" The male grinned, rushing down the flight of stairs and heading towards the showers - but of course without the occasional shouts of apologies as he accidentally bump into the kakushis in the corridors.

Shinobu chuckled to herself when she heard the frantical apologies of her friend, softly sighing at the lively atmosphere which surrounded the hybrid.

The former hashira used to be sullen, a dull man whom had no spark of life in his eyes but so much had changed since the past few months. It was soon to be winter and the ravenette had progressed tremendously - both mentally and physically. The female would have used negative connotations to describe the man such as 'depressed' or 'suicidal', but those words don't even come close to the present raven whom was a sparkling sapphire in the warm glow of the evening sun.

"Have fun, tomioka" she mumbled to herself, smiling as she walked to the closet to pick out a set of clothes for her friend.

"Sanemi!" The ravenette huffed out, jogging towards his lover who stood at the center of the town.

The wind hashira turned, smiling at the raven with an endearing glint in his eyes. Sanemi was cladded in a pastel mint green kimono whilst wearing a purple hakama which paired well with his signature white haori. He stood tall amongst the other men in the town square, and the perfect fitting of his clothes highlighted his broad shoulders. The scarred male was eye bogglingly handsome and the extra flair of his spiky white hair made him look better than he should.

Inbetween Two Worlds (Pt.2)  - Sanegiyuu Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя