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*3 week time skip

3rd person pov:

The ravenette sighed contentedly, silently humming a slow song within his heart as he listened to the gentle pitter - patter of rain. It had been so long since he was truly able to enjoy nature and he loved how tranquil everything was - from the slight rustle of the tree leaves to the cooling breeze which tickled his face and the fresh smell of rain which lingered in the air, everything seemed so perfectly quiet. He sat his book down and stood up, stretching his sore muscles and cracking a few joints before walking towards the window. He leaned on the window sill, sticking his head out to breath in more of the fresh air.

The nature smelt so fresh and refined, so much better compared to the stuffy chamber he used to call ‘home’.

The memories of his trauma seemed so distant, like a nightmare he had woken from but the wounds caused during that ‘dream’ were still so fresh, stinging with a sharp pain as it remained constant with inertia.

The hybrid had never thought that he was able to come this far in life, and yet, he had braved through the storm and was finally able to relax into the arms of his lover. He had never thought he was loved, but life proved him wrong. He had never thought that he would have friends, but fate had given him 3 faithful die-hard friends that bared their fangs at anyone who dared to harm the raven. He had never thought that he would be respected, but the admiration from the fellow kakushis grew with each passing day.

He had given up on life, but life hadn’t given up on him - a blessing, and a terrible curse that was casted upon him.

There was a knock at the door and the hybrid was snapped out of his thoughts. He straightened up and smiled, greeting his visitor whom he had loved dearly.

“Morning giyuu”

“Morning nemi” giyuu beamed. He leaned into the warm hand which ruffled his hair lovingly - a playful yet tender touch that he was soon to be obsessed with. The wind hashira hoisted the raven over his shoulders and sat him onto the bed, allowing him to sink into the warm cushion which swallowed him like a fluffy cloud.

“You’re ass better sleep”

“I’m not sleepy though”

“You pulled an all nighter last night, and you also started rehabilitation so you should rest”

“I don’t want to sleep yet, nemi”

“Your eye bags are dark as shit. You stayed up all night to read that goddamn book”

“The book was good” giyuu pouted, puffing out his cheeks and curving his lips into a displeased frown. The wind hashira coughed, mouth twitching into a smile as he watched the adorable behaviour of the latter. It was amusing to see a grown man sulking like a child and he loved the sight of giyuu’s pouting face which bordered a frown.

“Still, you need to sleep”

“Well, I’m sorry ‘sire’, the kakushis lent me this book and it was interesting”

“I can see that, ‘ma’am’”


The scarred male snickered, causing the latter to lightly smack the latter’s head with the back of his book.

“You’re mean”

“Yes, yes. Do your muscles hurt? I heard shinobu didn’t go easy on you”

“She made me run so many laps and do so many push ups…, followed by some dual thing with wooden swords… it was hell” giyuu mumbled, shrinking into himself as he remembered the torture he was put through. He could remember the snide remarks of the female which pushed him to work harder, and it came at a cost where his body ached with a stinging pain. He found the rehabilitation training fun, though, it would have been much better if his body isn't in pain the next day - but that's the way of life.

"Lie down"


"I can help give you a massage," sanemi offered. The ravenette beamed at his lover and flopped onto the bed, spreading his limbs across the soft white whilst he nestled his face into the messy heap of his blanket. The wind hashira chuckled softly and took off his haori, before rolling up the sleeves of his uniform.

"I'm guessing your back hurts"

"Yeah, the pull ups killed me"

"I can tell. Your muscles are quite tight" sanemi noted, pushing a knuckle into the tight bundle of flesh. Giyuu groaned in pain at the action and sighed heavily, murmuring curses at the insect hashira who was the one that created his hellish exercise routine.

The scarred male smiled, working on his arms as he listened to the latter's tale. It was comforting to see his lover being happier, and it warmed his heart to see the ravenette smile. He recalled the past - a dark period in giyuu's life where suicide was almost a common occurrence, pain was his daily life routine and the feeling of betrayal, anger, sorrow and numbness residing in the hybrid's heart.

It had been so long since he last saw the shine in the sapphire eyes, a glistening type of jem that made rubies and diamond or gold seem so dull.

"Can you also help me massage my lower back? It's so sore" giyuu grumbled, whining with a tired huff which caused the hashira to smile.

"Here?" Sanemi asked, pressing on his lats.



"No a little bit to your right, up a bit - no wait, a little lower, wait wait wait, wait! Shinazugawa! Not too low- ah!" The ravenette screamed, yelping loudly as he felt a knuckle drive into a sensitive area that was close to his tailbone. The tips of his ears were red, and his cheeks exploded with a fury of vermilion. His breathing became unstable as he felt another tingle when sanemi - whom was completely oblivious - pressed down on the spot harder.

He remembered getting massages by his sister when he was younger - a relaxing activity he enjoyed on exhausting days that were filled with labour. He remembered the warm hands which were pressed on his back, and the relief his sore muscles had whilst they were being massaged, but, this was something else.

Firstly, the wind hashira was massaging the wrong spot, making the sole purpose of the activity useless as a kiwi bird trying to fly.

Secondly, the spot sanemi was massaging on was rather... Sensitive. As such, the cute little noises giyuu tried to suppress where escaping his red lips.

He was whimpering, slightly drooling at the touch whilst he tried to form words. He struggled to breathe, and his mind was fuzzy, system overflowing with the warm pleasure that shook his bones deeply.

He knew massages felt good, but he didn't know it would be this good.


*Just to clear this up, giyuu is having a dream ;)

Inbetween Two Worlds (Pt.2)  - Sanegiyuu Where stories live. Discover now