Ch 20. love

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I don't know how I didn't fuck her during the way to the hotel
After the kiss I was sure I needed her more than everything
We promised that no one could ever learn about this kiss because everybody will go crazy and Amelia doesn't like being in the spotlight

I tried everything to convince Aurora to let Amelia sleep in our room but nothing
I even texted Luna to ask her and the answer was the same
My only hope was Charlotte so I texted her

Messages ⬇️

Me: Charlotte It's an emergency

Charlotte: Hey what's up
Amelia is in the bathroom

Me: I have a question

Charlotte: Anything you want

Me: Can Amelia sleep in our room...Josh and Nathan will go to sleep in Vanessa's room and I don't want to be alone

Charlotte: ofc she can come
She will be there in 15m

This 15 minutes where the longer in my life
During this 15m I shower, brushed my teeth 2 times cleaned the room and changed 3 outfits until I found the perfect one
I wore a white t-shirt with black shorts and my hair where still yet from the shower but I didn't care

I heard a knock on the door and got up to open it
For my bad luck it was Nathan
"Dude I told you to not come to the room until tomorrow morning" I said
"I know but I forgot my charger" Nathan said
Before he could say another word I closed the door in his face
Then I heard another knock
"NOW WHAT NATHAN!!" I yelled and opened the door

But this time wasn't Nathan it was Amelia
"Nathan said that he found his charger" Amelia said and came in
"I hate this guy" I said and closed the door
"He is a good guy just a littleannoying" Amelia said and sat on the bed

She was wearing gray sweatpants and a black tank top
This clothes were looking perfect on her
I could see every courve and every mark on her body
I'm still wondering how I have so good self control and don't fuck her
But I have to wait one year....and she is all mine

"Is he better than me?" I said and sat next to her
"You started getting jealous?" "We aren't even dating" she said and sat on my lap
"I will always be jealous no matter what" I said and kissed her
Before she kissed me back she said
"Are we sure this is Okey" she asked
"If it wasn't you wouldn't be in my bed with me standing over you kissing you like you are a drug" I said
"How many times you have to tell me I'm an addiction" she said
"as many as you need to understand what harm you've done to me that I can't have you all mine" I said and kissed her

For the past hours all I could hear was her moaning and telling me that I'm becoming an addiction
I wanted her shirt and pants off but we are only 16
So as a good boy I kept my hands off her and asked her if I could touch anything
Every time I asked the answer was always yes

At the end of the night I found my self cuddling with her with my shirt off and her eating chocolate while watching her favorite Disney movie Cinderella

"Do you believe in love in first sight?" She asked me
"I don't know because I had a lot of relationships but I could I never say that it was love" I said
"But I guess I'm in the right path" I said and kissed her forehead
"So you love me" she asked and looked at me
"I don't know if I could tell if this is love but I guess it is because I had never felt anything like this with another girl" I said

I knew that this is not what she wanted to hear but I don't even know what love is
My dad always told me that you will understand when you will find it
And I think that I found my true love but I'm scared to tell her because what if she doesn't feel the same

For the rest of the night I tried to forget every bad thought because this night I wanted to think only about her and how beautiful she looked even when she was sleeping

The next morning we woke up with the a teacher telling us that we are not coming to this days tour
We were both confused but then we remembered that if we break the room rules we will have consequences
The rule was clear boys and girls in the same room weren't allowed

At first we questioned who told the teachers but then a message appeared on Amelia's phone screen

Messages ⬇️
Vanessa: should I post look cute

"HOW THE HELL DID VANESSA FOUND OUT" Amelia said and wore one of my sweatshirts"How did she took the picture" I said and got to the bathroom "Did anyone has keys for this room" Amelia asked "Only Nathan

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"HOW THE HELL DID VANESSA FOUND OUT" Amelia said and wore one of my sweatshirts
"How did she took the picture" I said and got to the bathroom
"Did anyone has keys for this room" Amelia asked
"Only Nathan..." "SHIT" I yelled and called Nathan
"What Nathan has to do with this" Amelia asked
"Nathan slept in Vanessa's room" I said looking for my phone panicked
"Perfect...." Amelia whispered


Author's note

Okey maybe long chapters isn't my thing but I'm getting there

Also I love school drama so.....

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