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"Girls I have to tell you something" I said and came running to them

"Amelia are you alright??!!" Aurora asked
"Calm down, what is so important?" Charlotte asked and dragged me to sit on a table

"Okey I saw a boy" I said excited

The girls looked at me like I'm crazy
"What?" I asked and calmed myself down

"All this happened for a boy that you just saw?" Charlotte said and sit back to her chair

"It's not a boy, it's THE BOY!! I saw him today in class I had never saw him at school before!!" I took a big breath
"He has beautiful brown eyes and his style, the way he speaks, his appearance overall is just amazing!!"

"Amelia can you show us the guy please!! Because I'm sure I know him from somewhere" Aurora said

"Yes of course I can, let's go outside" I said and packed my things

Before we could move the boy entered the cafeteria

"This is the boy" I whispered to the girls

"Which one??!!" The whisper yelled

"The one with the dark blue shirt" I said

When they saw the guy they looked back at me with a weird stare

"What??!!" I asked more confused than ever

"This is Gabriel Arela, you can't like him, he is a jerk" Aurora said

"Okey, then he is a beautiful jerk with a beautiful name" I said and looked at Charlotte

"Sorry for telling you this but I have to agree with Aurora, you can't like him, he has the worst reputation, he is a player and rather than that we are only 14, we are too young to mess around with boys" Charlotte said and touched my back

"Charlotte is right, we are too young and I'm sure you will forget about him in less than two months" Aurora said and hugged me

"Maybe you are right, I have to forget about him, I can do it! He just a boy" I said and got up

"Perfect you got the point" Aurora said and left the Cafeteria

"WHERE ARE YOU GOING??" me and Charlotte yelled

"WE HAVE HISTORY NEXT PERIOD" she said and run to class

"OH SH!TT....." me and Charlotte yelled and run after her

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