Ch 8. party

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Summer was almost over
It was last week before school starts

And me, Luna, Charlotte and Aurora decided to do a sleepover

We were watching a movie when I got a notification on my phone

It was from Alex
Alex is my childhood bsf and the child of my mother's bsf

Messages ⬇️

Alex: what are you doing tonight

Me: I have a sleepover with the girls

Alex: Okey perfect

Me: why...what happened

Alex: I will go to the beach for one last time with the boys and we are looking for company

Me: are unbelievable...
Let me ask the girls first

Alex: Quick I need your answer

I closed the messages and asked the girls

"Girls do you want to go to the beach for one last time" I asked

"Yes ofc" Charlotte said
"Why not, I love the beach" Luna

"Before I reply I need the reason why we are going on the beach, otherwise I can't come because my parents will not let me"
Aurora said

"Alex send me a message some minutes ago and asked us if we wanted to go with him....and his friends..." I said and got up

"WE ARE IN FOR SURE NOW" Charlotte and Luna screamed

"Okey let me inform Alex" I said

Messages ⬇️

Me: Charlotte and Luna said yes Aurora is not so sure

Alex: we will take her with us anyway

Me: you know how strict her parents are

Alex: I know but Luca will also be there and you know how much he wants to meet her

Me: fine...

Alex: Perfect be ready in 20m, Me and the boys will come to pick you up

"I guess we are going on a beach party.." I said to the girls

"AMAZING!!!" Charlotte and Luna said

"It's going to be fine I guess, but how I'm going to lie to my parents..." Aurora said and opened the closet to pick a swimsuit

"It's only going to be for few hours..nothing is going to happen" I said

"We promise" Charlotte said and hugged Aurora

"Amelia, how long do we have until Alex come to pick us up" Luna said

"15m ...." I said and picked a swimsuit

"Are you kidding me!" Aurora shouted


Author's note

Ik that this was a major time skip but it was worth it

Also if you like this book please let other people know about it

Tysm for reading <3

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