Ch 10. truth

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Time passed really quickly

During the day we mostly took pictures of us or the sunset and we swam at the sea

It was almost midnight and we decided to play the classic game truth or dare

The girls had to be home by 12:30 so it was a quick round

It was my turn to ask someone

I obviously asked Amelia because I knew she was going to say dare, she always says dare

"Amelia truth or dare..." I asked

"God I knew you were going to ask me"
"But I obviously chose dare" she said

"Okey, I dare you to jump to the sea" I said smirking

"Are you kidding me, I'm not even wearing my swimsuit anymore" she said clearly angry

"Nothing is going to happen...just jump and get out really quickly" I said

"But my shirt is fûcking white" she said and got up

"I know!" I said and followed her

"Okey, fine, I'm going to do it" she said and touched her feet at the edge of the water

Before she could even go inside I grabbed her and throw her to the ocean

"YOU STUPID PIECE OF SHIT!!!" she yelled

I started to laugh but that laughter didn't last long

Because I felt someone push me

Before I could realize it
I found myself under the water

I got out and saw Amelia laughing

"Now we are even" she said

"You ruined my clothes" I said and grabbed her hand angrily

"Do I seem like I care" she said

Then I grabbed her waist said pulled her close

"We are not over yet" I whispered to her ear

"If you say so...." she said and rolled her eyes

God i hate her attitude

"Why you are so ironic" I said

"Why do you care so much about my attitude" she said and got out

"Because you started to get meaner, and I don't like that" I said and took a big breath

"Yeah...I'm so sorry that I didn't want to be manipulated by you anymore" she said and got out to change clothes

We packed our things and left the beach

This time me and Amelia got in different cars

But the whole time the only thing I could think of was what Amelia said

- "I didn't want to be manipulated by you anymore" -

Okey maybe I was a bit manipulative the past years but I didn't know she cared so much

At the end we weren't even friends

I think I should be friends with her

But I can't be friends with her, she is Amelia and I'm Gabriel

Two completely different personalities that should never meet

Or they will kill each other

But what if it's time for a change



Author's note

Okey we are done with the major time skips
Now that the we ended with the 8th and 9th grade we can finally enter high school
And have a slower and better love story

Tysm for reading <3

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