Ch 15. old self

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That day I turned home with a weird feeling

I couldn't tell anything to Aurora and Charlotte because if they learned that I made my trust a deal with the playboy of our school I would be dead

So I told it to the only person that I knew
At least hopped, that will not say anything to me

I got to my room
Closed the door and called Alex

I called Alex 5 times and be didn't answer once

The 6th time he replied

"Why you don't reply!!" I said screaming

"I was studding history" Alex said

"Since when do you care about homework, especially history" I knew he was lying

"Okey fine..."
"I knew the reason you called, and I didn't want you to scream from happiness" Alex said and rolled his eyes

"What do you mean you know.." I asked clearly confused

"Gabriel told me what happened during P.E."
"I can't believe that you trusted Gabriel after everything he did to you" Alex said

"I thought that you liked Gabriel" I said

"You didn't let me finish"
"What he did in the past was wrong and he knows that, and he tries to fix his relationship between you and him" Alex said and took a big breath

"But I don't understand why he is doing that"

"Because.....I actually can't tell you..sorry" Alex said avoiding eye contact

"Why you can't tell me...YOU KNOW SOMETHING!!!" I said screaming

"Amelia I can't tell you!!!"
"The only thing that I want you to do is trust him and be more kind" Alex said

"Okey...Okey...fine I'm going to try" I said and closed the phone

The whole night I was thinking about our conversation with Alex
He knows something......

The first thing I thought was that Gabriel likes me but there is no away

Also I don't want to have a lot of hopes
Because as my friends say I will end up heartbroken

But Gabriel made the first move
It wasn't exactly a was a deal
So I can trust him a build a better relationship with him

Over the past months I had build a strong wall around my feelings for him
And I forced myself to forget everything that I felt for him

But today I felt like something changed inside me
Like this wall collapsed

I can't believe what I'm getting myself into
But I need to do it

Because if there is 1% of him to like me
The little girl inside will be so happy

I need to do this for her, for me

For him so he doesn't end heartbroken like I was the past years

Because I know how unconditional love feels
And I don't want him to feel the same feeling I felt months ago

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