Chapter Six

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We sat on the summit and enjoyed getting to know one another better for the rest of the afternoon. Just as the sun was beginning to set we were teleported back to the camp. We were teleported into the large hall that was in the middle of the camp. "Welcome back ladies. My name is Reg and I'm your coven mother while you're at camp" A small lady introduced herself to our group. "You did really well" Michalo said putting a hand on my shoulder. "You were watching?" I asked him. "The staff watch the witches thoroughly. Naturally, I wasn't allowed to take part in the activity but I was allowed to watch and intervene if you become violent" he told me. "Watch it mister that's my girlfriend your talking about" Leah said eyeing Michalo with daggers in her eyes. "I guess I have another threat to watch out for then" Michalo said and laughed. "Come on Leah I think I'm turning him into a believer" I said and he laughed again. "Maybe you are Zero. You certainly are a selfless girl" he told me seeming to become more impressed by my actions. "Hello again mister Hero" Heather said to him with a big smile on her face. Sarah was being very quiet. I came over to her side and said quietly "Is everything okay Sarah?" She stopped looking at everyone and focused on me. "I guess I thought that when we got back to camp I'd be on my own again" she said quietly. I smiled and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. "You're one of us. We'd never leave you like that" I told her. She looked into my face and smiled. "Thanks Zero, you always make me feel welcome" she told me appreciatively. "She's right Sarah, your a big part of our group and we love you" Leah said suddenly appearing on Sarah's other side. "Both of you are" Heather added reffering to both Sarah and Bonnie. "Alright girls enough chit chatting for now. Time to take your seats before the ceremony begins" Reg told us. Just as we sat down in the seats Bonnie woke up, I leaned over to her and in a hushed tone whispered: "We're at a ceremony where I think they're going to reward us on how well we did". She looked a little confused but after looking around at where she was she said "Thanks for filling me Zero". I smiled at her "no probs, I've got you" I told her before focusing on the stage in front. "Ladies now that you're all gathered here and in your groups it's time to start the ceremony" Ms Lovely, the camp principal announced from a podium on the stage. "Now as you were all made aware each group has been assigned a Coven Mother to help facilitate your activities and to keep you out of trouble" she said looking at a group in the front in particular. I guessed they were trouble makers. I glimpsed Sarah turning and seeing everyone looking at her group. On the carriage ride here Sarah had seemed to be the kind of girl that held herself above everyone else. That was because nobody could meet her impossible standards. "Some of you have already given yourselves a coven name, others haven't been as decisive. Our first group to name themselves was the Omega girls, our next was the Pixies and the third and final group to name themselves was the Amazing girls" she announced before giving a clap, the staff all joined in and each group stood up. When the applause finished we all sat back down. "Now ladies we have four other groups without names. You'll have until the end of tomorrow to decide on your group names otherwise you're Coven Mother will be picking one for you" Ms Lovely explained. "Now as for points that you earned during the Survival of the fittest activity" she began before pointing to a board with blacked out names. "The runner up is.." she started. "The Pixies!" She exclaimed excitedly. "You girls will receive a special dessert tonight and some custom made staves" she announced before giving small applause which the camp staff joined in with once again. A Witch uses a staff to channel magic, they make it so that a witch can perform a more complex spell with only a portion of the usual magic it would take. Once the applause finished she pulled a blacked-out piece of paper from in front of the name which revealed the name "Pixies". I wasn't sure who these girls were but I felt happy for them. "And now for the girls who won first place" Ms Lovely announced. The room suddenly became dead quiet and everything went still. "Now girls listen" Reg told us. "What's going on?" Leah asked waving a hand in front of another girl who was as frozen as a statue. "Oh I can stop time for a few minutes for a select few" Reg told us. "Wicked" Heather said admiring that power. "Look you girls deserve first place but the truth is that if any of the other girls knew about how Zero increased your magic potential or what Zero can do in general. Well we'd have an uproar" Reg explained. "We understand," Bonnie told her. "The real prize is the family you girls have created with one another" Reg added smiling at us all. She started time again and Ms Lovely continued. "Our first place winning group is the Amazings!" she announced but this time before she could clap the group I  the front row all stood up and clapped loudly. "Should have known" Heather said nudging me. "Sarah could only be in such an egotistical group that named themself "Amazings" she said and rolled her eyes. "Leah leaned over and whispered "She's my cousin" which shocked me. Leah had a completely different personality to Sarah. She was down to earth and so kind whereas Sarah was completely self-centred.
After the ceremony we were all shown to our cabins. Sarah's group went to the white cabin whereas our group went in the complete opposite direction. Reg opened the door which revealed six beds, a small kitchenette and a separate bathroom. Our luggage had already been brought to our cabin and was sat at the end of each bed. There were six sets of luggage so I had to guess one was Reg's. "So girls there are only three rules. No parties, always obey your coven mother and no hanky panky. We're sharing this cabin and I don't think we all want to hear that" she said. "I'll let Sarah know those rules in the morning," she told us. Instead of each of us going about our own thing we all sat on one bed together. Reg sat on the bed beside us. "I've got to ask. What was it like connecting like that today? No Witch has ever connected a coven into one mind like that before"  Reg asked us. Heather spoke first "it was like we all had one single task and just felt like we had all the power to do it". Bonnie smiled "even though I wasn't conscious I could feel all the emotions that you girls felt" she told us.  "It felt exhilarating" Leah added. Reg looked at me as if she wanted me to say something. "It felt like I'd never be alone again" I told her. Leah wrapped her fingers around mine. It felt incredibly comforting. "Thanks Leah" I told her, not realising I'd used telepathy magic to say it in her head. "Is this our private chat line?" She asked me back. It felt weird to talk like this. "Oh we can talk telepathically. That's neat" I told her. "Let's keep this between us for now Zero" she told me and gave my hand a little squeeze.

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