Chapter Three

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"Zero are you awake?" A whispered voice asked me in the middle of the night. "I am now" I answered half asleep. "Can I talk to you outside?" The voice whispered, I recognised it this time. It was Leah whispering. "I'll be out in a moment," I told her. She made her way out in the pitch black. I guess it was some kind of witch power to be able to see in the dark. I tried to picture myself with the same ability and moments later I began to make out shapes within the darkness. I walked to the door, opened it and stepped outside. Leah had only just managed to get a fire burning. I sat on the ground in front of it and she sat beside me. "I'll admit that you do scare me Zero" she said casually. "I don't want to scare anyone" I said feeling sad that she felt that way. "Don't get me wrong! I do like you. I just don't know what you're capable of" she admitted. "I'd never hurt anyone, especially a friend" I told her looking into her hazel eyes. She looked very beautiful illuminated by the firelight. "I believe you" she said looking into my eyes. I created some marshmallows and metal skewers. "Here," I said passing her a skewer with a marshmallow on the end. I put mine by the fire and she did the same. "We used to save our pocket money and do this on the roof of the orphanage on cold nights" I explained. I took nine out of the fire and blew on it. I then ate it. Leah did the same, swallowed and then told me "I didn't know people did this with marshmallows". I passed her another marshmallow before saying "I'm not the first person to glimpse through different realities. Someone else did about forty years ago and managed to record how to make marshmallows. They only told the orphans about the secret of campfires though. It made it a special treat for us" I explained. "Your secret is safe with me" she said before giggling. That made me think about things a bit more thoroughly. "I'm sorry for putting the burden of my powers on you" I told her feeling terrible. "I'd rather have you in my life then not. You're a wonder girl" she told me before kissing my cheek. I blushed and just enjoyed taking the compliment. She looked into my blue eyes and I stared back into her hazel coloured eyes. She leaned forward as if she was going to Kiss me and I immediately retreated. I stood up and said "I'm going to head back to bed. It's pretty late and we don't know what tomorrow holds in store for us". She stood up and smothered the fire with a bucket of water.
I went back to bed and couldn't sleep. All I could think about was how Leah tried to kiss me. What if she found out I was trans? Would she hate me? Would she see me differently? It scared me so much that I didn't want to know. My head was racing however it did eventually become tired once again and I fell back asleep.
I woke up to the smell of cooking meat. I walked over to the table led by my stomach. "What smells so good?" I asked the two girls that were standing by the stove. "Leah got up early this morning and caught some rabbits. When I woke up I helped her skin and prepare them. Then we stewed them" Heather explained. "Good morning sleepy head" Leah said with a big smile. I felt myself blush upon seeing her but managed to say "Good morning and thank you for catching the rabbits". Heather was too focused on the stew to detect the awkwardness between Leah and myself. "You know, I didn't see a chimney outside. I wonder where the smoke from the chimney goes" Leah said, changing the subject. I walked over to a hidden cupboard that just looked like a part of the tree wall. I gave it a little thump with the back of my fist and it opened. There were stacks of jars that read "hunny". Heather laughed "if only that worked for the bear" she said jovily. "Wait what am I missing?" Leah asked us. "She made a magic stove that turns smoke into jars of honey" Heather explained to her. "It was a spur of the moment thing" I said before letting out a small laugh.
After breakfast, we went outside and sat on the grass. "What do we do now?" Heather asked both of us. "Well we get scored on teamwork so I think we need to find more girls and add them to our group" Leah suggested. "I had a vision yesterday of a special place called Hanging Rock. I have a feeling it's close by. Can we make our way there while searching for other girls?" I asked Heather and Leah. They both looked at me in unbelief. "Hanging rock is a legend. It said to be a part of the meteorite that gave us witches our magic" Heather explained. "They teleported us to it so I don't think it is. I think we were sent here on purpose" I told the girls. "Do you know which way it is at least?" Leah asked me still sounding unsure. I closed my eyes and put my hand on the ground. I had another vision. It showed the large rock formation. I opened my eyes and pointed "It's that way" I said pointing. "Can you create some provisions for each of us? I can talk to the trees and see what they know of the rock while you do so" Leah asked me. She went off to the edge of the clearing and put her hand on a tree. She was so graceful even with the black cloak covering her entire body she still made it look good on her. I started to make backpacks, canteens and food for us. I even had time to make some fashionable sunglasses for easy of us by the time Leah finished. I passed her pack to her and Heather and myself put our ones on. "The trees say that this place is magically sealed off from the outside world. They say it's a powerful magical area the camp uses every year. They also told me that Hanging Rock is a high magic relic from the time before our magic existed" Leah explained after she put her pack on. I gave her the sunglasses I made for her. "Thanks these are super cute" she said happily accepting them. "Magic that existed before magic?" Heather asked confused. "I'm not sure what they meant," Leah told us shrugging. They both looked at me in case I had the answer. I shrugged "I've never heard of magic that predates the meteorite," I told them just as confused by it as they were. We left the clearing and our little home away from home we'd created. Perhaps some other girls would find it and use it. It may even be used in future camps by girls generations from now. I smiled at that thought. I could only hope that those mystery girls would enjoy honey.

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