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I don't think anyone has seen me for the last few days but here I was on the evening of the trial by tale in my armor waiting for my turn to enter the blue forest.

I was armed with only my finger glow and a mission that I really wish I didn't have to complete. I was entering last alongside the best ever which meant I would have a harder time finding sophie and tedros since they had more time to hide. I've got to work fast.

“y/n do you remember what you must do?” I heard professor dovey whisper in my ear.

I nodded in response and took my white handkerchief from her hand. I held it as I looked at each delicate thread of the nice piece of cloth knowing I was about to do something I regret.

“You're going in in three minutes.” professor dovey said as she stroked my arm then left me to psych myself up for the trial.

It was the longest three minutes of my life that I could remember. I knew exactly why I was nervous and it made me even more scared to walk in there. The doors opened and I tucked my handkerchief away as I walked slowly into the blue forest.

I turned around and sucked in a deep breath as I stared directly at professor dovey with a fearful yet determined glare. The doors closed magically just a few seconds later and my trial had begun.

I mogrified into an owl as soon as I came to terms with my current surroundings. I rose into the air steadily and flew over the forest taking everything in. Being an owl had its perks as I was nocturnal now and I had the best hearing magic could get me.

I flew over a few struggling evers and nevers but i paid them no mind. Had to scout around for the next couple of hours to see if I could find tedros. If i can find him i will be able to find sophie who he had to be searching for.

Sure enough tedros was strutting around the forest searching for sophie. How dumb can this guy be? He was just prancing around pulling anyones flag who came his way.

“y/n i know you're the owl following me.” he called out a moment later to my utter shock.

“Well this is just great don't you think?” I asked rhetorically as i mogrified back into myself and used the wind to hold my upside down as I walked through the sky beside him.

“What is your deal? you haven't let me have kevin all week and you completely shut everyone out. Not to mention that I don't think anyone has seen you for the last three days.” he said loudly as he continued to march through the woods in the direction of the bridge over a pond.

“What's my deal? Believe me i didn't want to disappear but i had to work on something for professor dovey, and secondly, what is your deal? Literally hours after you get out of a relationship you immediately move onto another princess. Or should i say witch.'' I said back in a more aggressive tone that he did, still walking upside down.

“This is not the time to be having this talk.” he said with a groan of annoyance.

“Then why did you bring it up?” I asked as I flipped through the air and started walking on the ground beside him, though I was walking backwards so I could face him.

“What did professor dovey want you to work on?” He changed the subject.

“I'm going to keep that to myself like every other problem around here. Everything bad around here is blamed on the nevers when they are rarely the actual problem so if you really want to know whats wrong why don't you ask your little never girlfriend sophie the witch." I said loudly and clearly drew the attention of the very person I wanted to see.

“What was that about me?” the idiot girl asked as she came out of her hiding spot with another girl.

“There's my favorite little mistake.” I called out to her as I started charging at her.

A Trial of True Friendship - Tedros Pendragon X readerUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum